Faen Species in Avôra | World Anvil
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The Faen are an ancient race of Fey that first came to the mortal world after leaving their homeland of Tiéldir in the Great Wilds. They are intelligent and magical, as well as fair and kind (most of the time). They have established great kingdoms, and have invented and discovered much of modern technology, magic, and knowledge. They are the child race of Ihrmathnil and Bothilen.

Basic Information


Tall, slender and humanoid. Fair hair and complexions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduce the same way as humans (offspring between Faen and Men are possible).

Growth Rate & Stages

Same growth stages as humans. They do not grow facial hair or lose the hair on their heads.

Ecology and Habitats

Forested areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Faen tend to eat more green foods than meat, as their bodies don't need as much to sustain themselves.

Biological Cycle

Faen age at the same rate as humans, but stop at around 30 years.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Faen have fair skin, high cheek bones, smaller noses, (sometimes) slightly slanted eyes, and slightly pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainly in the eastern parts of Odránidir.

Average Intelligence

Faen are fairly intelligent,

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Faen have the natural ability to use magic, but usually learn how to control it. They also have better vision, and can see well in the dark.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Around 1000 years
Average Height
1.8 meters
Average Weight
68 kg
Average Physique
Faen are tall and slender.

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Author's Notes

Faen are not elves. They take inspiration from the elves in Norse Mythology, but are not elves. They are an ancient humanoid race of Fey that came from the Great Wilds of a far off realm in the cosmos (the name "Faen" is derived from "Fae, Fey". I did not want to use elves because so many people have used them already and I didn't want to rip off Tolkien's version of elves. Other inspiration for the Faen are the Lefeinish from the original Final Fantasy (It was coincidence that their name's were so similar).

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