Player Options in Avethia | World Anvil

Player Options


Only a subset of 5e languages are recognized in this world and are broken down into well-known and exotic languages. Common languages have frequent translators and can be muddled through if a professional translator is not available. Exotic languages require esoteric study or a unique use-case to be present.    

Well Known Languages

Common Generically the most common business language. Is spoken by nearly every civilized nation and used for official contracts as it's well understood and because the double meanings of words keep the lawyers employed.
Spoken By: Elfkin
Sounds Like: Japanese

Generally used in arcane tomes because of it's grammatical clarity and lack of homonyms.
자연의 장인
Spoken By:: Dwarfolk
Sounds Like: Dutch

The long vowels and hard consonants make it perfect for yodeling over the fields and forests or down a cave. Used commonly for traveling folk like gypsies and nomads as they often travel with the Dwarfolk during transitions.
Spoken By: Walkers, Elementals, Titans
Sounds Like: Latin

While not as well-known as most, this is commonly used in script form in Godseats and is fluently spoken by the Walkers. Nearly all legislative conversations in Godseats contain Primordial reference words just like we use Latin in the American legal system.
Sylvan Spoken By: Druids and Rangers
Sounds Like: French
Looks Like: Has no structured written component as it is read in the shape of the foliage and moss, the coloration of the dirt, etc.

Translators for this language are not typically available but nearly everyone can recognize when Sylvan is being spoken as it's felt at the core more than understood.

Exotic Languages

Thieves Cant A professional jargon used to encode secret messages in the shared language between two parties. Can be written or spoken in any language. Also has a sylvan counterpart where the signs and secrets are conveyed with the location of objects rather than direct words.
Spoken By: Extra Planar Entities (Malevolent)
Sounds Like: Turkish

Not exclusively, but predominately, this language is spoken by entities outside of the Prime dimension that mean you harm. Demons, Devils, Elder Minds, etc.
ჩვენ ველოდებით გამოღვიძებას
Spoken By: Extra Planar Entities (Benevolent)
Sounds Like: Greek

Not exclusively, but predominately, this language is spoken by entities outside of the Prime dimension that are interested in the well-fare of humanity. (Angels, Gods).
Spoken By: Natural Monstrosities
Sounds Like: Russian

It seems to be a language common to dragons, but has also been recorded as the language of djinn and leviathans.
Deep Speech
Spoken By: Exclusive to Residents of Jaspos
Sounds Like: Hebrew

The Jaspos, a continent steeped in lore and legends, is surrounded by a seemingly insurmountable black glass wall. Occasionally, someone will attempt to scale or cross that wall. These new "residents" are rendered senseless and babeling the same language. Scolars have reconstructed some fragments of the language and call it Deep Speech.


Language of Magic

Magic, once written, can be used by any individual so long as they know how to read and activate the specific Arcana. The process of taking an Arcana and wrapping it into a physical object that can be activated by the masses is called Enchanting and is what powers the magical industrial complex.  

Trained in Arcana

Level # Check Requirements
Master 1 D20 + Int + Prof Chosen at character creation
Journeyman 3 D20 + Int Every successful check, roll D100 in experience, add to a running total. Gained at 250xp
Apprentice -- Dis(D20 + Int) All foreign Arcana are automatically at this level.

Novice in Arcana

Level # Check Requirements
Master 0 N/A Seek training in Arcana
Journeyman 1 D20 + Int Every successful check, roll D100 in experience, add to a running total. Gained at 400xp
Apprentice 3 Dis(D20 + Int) Cumulative total 30 successful DC15 Intelligence Checks.

Specific Arcana

Despite the ideas of the strongly opinionated (Clerics, Wizards and Paladins) there is no difference between each Arcana they only help to focus your mind and will. You are not limited to specific spells when you choose an Arcana and these are not the only Arcana that exist in the world. However, in certain Arcana, it's easier to do certain things than in others which is why they appear to be "better at foo" for various definitions of foo.  
A radiant light-based script that uses symbols of stars, suns, and moons to cast spells of illumination, healing, and protection.
A whirling elemental script that uses symbols of wind, water, fire, and earth to cast spells of manipulation, destruction, and creation.
A shadowy energy-based script that uses symbols of darkness, void, and chaos to cast spells of stealth, corruption, and domination.
A fiery ignition-based script that uses symbols of flames, sparks, and explosions to cast spells of combustion, heat, and power.
A water's icy embrace-based script that uses symbols of waves, snowflakes, and crystals to cast spells of freezing, cooling, and preservation.
An earthquake tremor-based script that uses symbols of rocks, mountains, and fissures to cast spells of shaking, breaking, and moving.
A gentle breeze of tranquility-based script that uses symbols of feathers, leaves, and clouds to cast spells of soothing, calming, and relaxing.
A cosmic power surge-based script that uses symbols of planets, comets, and galaxies to cast spells of gravity, space, and time.
A mystical shielding aura-based script that uses symbols of circles, triangles, and squares to cast spells of protection, detection, and reflection.
A time-warping enchantment-based script that uses symbols of clocks, hourglasses, and spirals to cast spells of slowing, speeding, and reversing.
An ascending ethereal elevation-based script that uses symbols of wings, halos, and rays to cast spells of flying, levitating, and teleporting.
An ancient water-based script which uses the fundamental particles of hydrogen and oxygen to arrange trace minerals in to microscopic runes. Wielded by the ancients and barely understood by even the most versed of practitioners.
Long intertwined shapes are drawn in the air with a duck feather. Used to cast spells of any kind but is particularly good at conjuring extra planar entities.
A more modern version of Sea. The particles are scorched directly into the enchanted cargo. It's extremely robust and resistant to modification but cannot be used to cast spells.

Playable Races

  • 90% of the global population is known to be Humans who build large complex nations and states.
  • 6% are the Dwarfolk who have been known to migrate from place to place either fully dismantling and reassembling their temples, or leaving behind massive structures ready for any sapient species to take over and expand.
  • 3% are the Elfkin. They constrain themselves to their two cloister cities and are rarely ever seen outside the walls.
  • 0.75% are Interracial Peoples. Usually, these folks are just called, "people" to avoid any offense, but the specific taxonomy is:
    • Dwarf + Elf = Halfling
    • Elf + Human = Half-Elf
    • Dwarf + Human = Gnome
    Social perceptions of these people varies widely. In most places, interracial people have de jure citizenship, but the de facto experience can be far less hospitable.
  • The remaining 0.25% are the mythical races of which the best examples are The Walkers who often hold positions of power in the Godseats but are also rarely seen too far from sources of elemental power.

Roll For Race Option



All of the classic 5e Classes are available, but with the way magic works in Avethia, it's easier to think about magic the same way you'd think about Software Engineering black magic.

These are just some examples of how the original 5e classes can be wrapped in that mentality.

Artificer Magic is full of faults and irregularities. Science takes all those theories and drops it down into hard, practical implementations everyone can use. It makes sense out of the noise.
Barbarian If I hit it hard enough, I'll get the result I want. It's called "Percussive Maintenance."
Bard I have magic singing from my soul, but the more people who believe in what I'm trying to achieve, the more powerful my results are.
Cleric Devoted not to a specific god, but to a suite of magic available from a Godseat. Yes, the power probably technically comes from a god, but it's more about how the magic feels rather than strict devotion. Theology is for people who don't know what's right. And I know my magic is the right answer.
Druid Wizards over complicate magic and Artificers think the world can be explained through science. Both are wrong. Magic is the breath of the world and we can use it only because we are part of that breath.
Fighter Magic is fine and science has its place. But at the end of the day, things need to be done and you're someone who gets them done regardless of the tools involved. In this world of strong opinions, you're just trying to make sure the world keeps moving in the direction you want it to.
Monk We have too many things. Why use a magic rod to hold a door shut when a nail would do? Why complicate our lives with the Word-Of-Mouth network when walking over and talking to the person will more enrich your relationship. Minimalism sparks my joy.
Paladin Magic is a means to an end and that end is your passion. Unlike a fighter, I know there really are problems that can only be solved with a smite. And maybe another bigger smite just in case the point wasn't made the first time.
Ranger People have forgotten the air we breath comes from the trees. The path we take is cleared of monsters only because you hunted them down. Our bodies were not designed to stay still. We were meant to run. To climb. To hunt and to protect. Magic happens and science is a thing, but to be wholly in your own body is where we find ourselves.
Rogue Locks are for honest people and privacy is an illusion perpetuated by the powerful. Ownership is subjective and society is a collective hallucination we all willingly participate in. Well, some of us just pretend to participate in the delusion.
Sorcerer I've never attended any academy, but I'm pretty good at getting magic to do what I want it to do. Not really sure why it works, but check out this fire-bolt! Rad, right?
Warlock I mean, I didn't intend to manifest the artifact. But here it is. And, so far, its advice has been solid. It's better not to ask what's on the other end of this relationship... right? I mean I'm getting what I want, and the other thing is... a thing... that exists... but like... it's not hurting anyone... yet... we're good right?
Wizard That's a dumb question and you're doing it wrong. You can't use Luminastra as a script for divination, it wasn't designed for that. The elemental leakage is cost prohibitive during creation time. You'd be better off throwing away all your runes and using Vortexia. It's superior in pretty much every way. It's a coven scale methodology... hey, where are you going?

Feats & Traits

All feats are available with the restrictions in the PHB. If you'd like to use something from a non-standard source (like an Unearthed Arcana) just chat with the DM. Chances are it'll be allowed.   Personality Traits are encouraged and rewarded but by no means required. They create interesting opportunities for players to have complex role playing situations that force them to stretch their abilities. If you don't know where to start, refer to the suggestions in the PHB on selecting a personality trait specific to your background and class.   Ideals, Bonds, Flaws - If you are an experienced player and want to be challenged in roleplaying situations, select an appropriate characteristic or let the dice decide.  
Warning: If you intend to select a Character Trait, the DM will use that trait for and against the character. They provide fun and interesting hooks into the world, but require a level of expertise with the game not all players are ready for.

Backgrounds & Professions

All of the standard backgrounds in the PHB are available for selection as well as these additional ones:  
Magitech Assembly Worker Arcana, Slight of Hand,
Enchanting Tools
Elvish, (1) Arcana You were one of thousands of employees working in your small square enchanting laboratory day after day making widgets to keep society running. Did you remember to file your TPS report?
Neighbor's Nephew Arcana, Investigation,
Diagnostic Tools
(1) Arcana All it took was fixing your uncle's Plot Plinth :tm: and getting his crops growing again and now everyone in town knows that you're the one to take all their defunct tech to in hope it can be fixed.
I Know a Guy Arcana, Deception, Insight
Diagnostic Tools, Fuzzers Tools
Any additional Well-Known You're the person someone knows when something questionable needs doing. Someone who works at the edges of "legality" to make sure you and yours stay just above the wash of the world.


Any professional adventurer has access to one cantrip from any class spell list regardless of the origin class. All other spells are available for selection.  


All standard 5e equipment is available with the following additions:  


Diagnostic Tools
Used to diagnose the function of enchantments. Add proficiency to Investigation checks to discern the attributes of an enchantment.
Enchanting Tools
Required to condense Arcana onto physical objects for permanent enchantments. See Enchanting for additional information.
Fuzzers Tools
Disrupts enchantments causing unintended and unpredictable results. Add proficiency to Intelligence checks to change the behavior of an enchantment.
Woodsmiths Tools
A small wooden and hammer wrapped in felt with a titanium pick. Required to modify Woodsmithing armor and weapons. See also Woodsmithing tools.
Pocket Entity
A small handheld device containing a single ensorcelled fey creature capable of executing small tasks and connecting with other pocket entities. Fairly common among regional leadership and merchant guild leaders.
Query Stone
A square alabaster stone with a dark rune in the center. When a question is whispered into it, the rune leaks dark smoke and an answer is spoken as if from a far distance. Add proficiency to a History, Religion, Investigation or Arcana check to answer a question.

Armor & Weapons

All the standard 5E equipment are available except for adamantine. A few materials are added into the world:
The elves have a methodology of carefully growing suits of armor and weapons from generational trees and family groves. The practice produces a very light weight and extremely durable material that can be repaired with portable grow kits and water.
Silver Steel
A mixture of aluminum, silver, iron, nickle and cobalt, the fickle material can only be crafted in pure flames lest it pull in impurities from the environment and lead to undexpected resuls while enchanting. Not a durable material, silver steel is sought after for its ability to focus magical energy. Wielders of Arcana consider it to be the top material for inlays but is far too expensive for entire solid components (like wands or woven clothes).
Dragon Scale
Dragons have long wandered the edges of civilizations. Some of tormented nations, some have become allies. The scales of those dragons are not only resistant to most mundane damage, but also absorb and rebuff the sharpest edges of harmful magic. However, because they are sapient species, it's often considered very VERY bad taste to wear dragon scale armor.


Every era comes with their own artifacts. Each providing great value to a nation or a leader. Most of these artifacts are great single works of art which are the culmination of a craftman or guild's dogged persuit of perfections. However, there are some which fit into categories:  

Tokens of the Fall

Every once in a while, an artifact will be unburied or returned into circulation which came from an era of Human Greatness. They were great and powerful and reached into the Godseats and pulled out their power. The Gods, to remind humanity of their place, toppled the nations, ruined their knowledge and buried everything under rubble. These artifacts can build castles with a mere thought, call meteors down from the stars and make fighters invincible on the fields of battle. They are not without risk, however, use of one draws the attention of the Gods and when wielded without sufficient skill, can do as much damage to the nation as it solves.   Usually, after a token makes its mark on history, it falls out of public eye and disappears. There are many who posit the tokens are not actually from an era of human power, but actually a tool manifest by a people in need.  

Goblin Heart

The Plague as been a downward pressure on human growth since the first man. This constant pressure kept humans close together in tight groups and made trade and travel an enormous risk. See Goblin for more information.   Nerds like to discuss and philosophize whether or not the Goblin Hearts are the cause or a consequence of goblin infestations. What we do know is where you find a Goblin Heart, you find a goblin clan, but we don't always find hearts with a discovered malignity of goblins. In recent years, engineers, scientists, magicians and artificers worked together and discovered a way to tap into the innate magic of a heart and convert it into a power source for seemly permanent magical enchantments on a city-wide scale. This, combined with methods of tracing the origin and location of goblins, lead to an "over harvesting" of Goblin Hearts. Goblin populations plummeted, hearts became scarce, and people have generally forgotten about The Plague while the hearts have become little more than a resource for trading during national unions and peace agreements.  

Tools of the Cinder Seat

The God of Fire has always been in their nest in the Cinder Mountains. The dwarfolk, traditionally a long-term migratory people, have only ever settled in one place permenantly, The Cinder Seat, the home of the God of Fire. There, The Volcano, provides temperatures high enough to melt most artifacts, consistent enough it's used to calibrate extremely precise equipment and pure enough to leave nothing but white ash when working with silver-steel. However, the god, glorying in the creations of those tending to him, granted the dwarfolk access to The Tools of the Cinder Seat. They are a collection of Grandmaster tools capable of creating the finest of constructions and enduring any heat or stress from the forges. They are always kept at the Cinder Seat and religiously guarded. Just to be able to lay eyes on the tools, you must pass a Master Craftsman test. To use the tools, you must have the blessing of the ruling Thrain and pass a Grandmaster test. No human has ever passed and only three elfkin have passed these tests.


For some references on how some of these languages look, take a look at The Week's Article on identifying scripts.


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