Tellaruen Elves Ethnicity in Avenaria | World Anvil
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Tellaruen Elves

The last sub race of Elves in Avenaria. These elves reside in the Yawning Expanse, where they have "preserved" much of the Elven Histories and Lore. They escaped with the information during the first Veil War, to keep the archives safe from the Undead that the elves had created. Seeing this for the folly that it was, the Telaruen Elves delved deep into the Expanse creating a vast society in which to house the now forgotten information. Through centuries of unuse and a number of incursions from other dwellers in the Sunless Lands, even that knowledge is dwindling. The Telaruen, are not as tall as their above ground counsins, nor does their skin have the same pigmentation. After centuries of dwelling in the Sunless Lands the skin of the Telaruen is stark white, with an almost iridescent quality to it. Their hair normally doesn't hold much variety of color, being mostly black, grey or white, but as a sign of prosperity, or social rank the Telaruen will dye their hair. The more vibrant the dyes, the more prestige awarded to the families of the elves that wear that color.   The current 8 leading houses in Sindarel with their primary color are:   Laralytha noted for their purple hair, the 8th house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 4am-7am
Nacnar: Noted for their red hair, the 7th house house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 1am - 4am
Tlanbourn: Noted for their light orange hair, the 6th house house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 7am - 10am
Reithel, noted for their vibrant yellow hair, the 5th house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 10am - 1pm
Bhephel: Noted for their maroon colored hair, the 4th house has their color featured prominiently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 10pm - 1am
Maendellyn: Noted for their pink hair, the 3rd house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 1pm - 4pm
Sedarel: Noted for their bright blue hair, the 2nd house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 4pm - 7pm
Vispasial: Noted for their green hair, the 1st house has their color featured prominently in the Tower Chroma, the central pillar used to display the time for each house in the hours between 7pm - 10pm


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