Half-Orc Species in Avenaria | World Anvil
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The orcs of Avenaria are typically a nomadic people, roaming the hills and mountains in the North and South. Typically the orcs stay to themselves, but when roused to action, they can be swift, and brutal in their retaliation. While a brutal origin is commonplace, it is by no means normal. Those orcs that are met with regularly are mostly peaceful, and often teach humans how to hunt, and live off the normally unforgiving mountainous regions they inhabit. Normally half-orcs are the byproduct of a human that has joined the orc tribe for some reason (injured and taken in by the orcs, sought out the orcs to learn about the land, etc), and joined the tribe, even if only for a short while.    Still, because of their appearance, many half-orcs are treated with disdain, and outright brutality by ignorant members of both of their parent cultures. This leads to a fiercely independent nature in most, which naturally turns towards the adventurer’s life. The emergence of the Red Skinned orcs, a product of the Cult of the Immortal Kings corrupting normal orcs with demonic essence has only further fueled the perception that orcs are to be feared.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nomadic tribal social structure marks the orc way of life.

Facial characteristics

Orc features tend to be elongated, with a jutting lower jaw. Both female and male half-orcs have pronounced canines which often protrude from their mouths.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Half orcs can be found in any location, if raised by their human parents, and in hills or mountainous regions if raised by their orc parents.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male names: Cagan, Vargan, Wokganit, Duma, Naguk, Routhu, Carthurg, Dakgu, Sogorim, Ohulug   Female Names: Gharol, Arob, Lazgar, Umog, Ugor, Durz, Murbol, Ghob, Ushug

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Orc, other starting languages can be chosen from abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, and Goblin

Common Dress Code

Half-orcs tend to dress simply, often times seeming barbaric. This is normally due to problems with finding normal clothes that fit their large physique.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Half-orcs generally tend to remain neutral towards most other species, allowing their opinions to be formed via the actions of individuals.
The average lifespan of a typical half-orc is 40-50 years
Average Height
7-8 feet tall
Average Weight
265-375 lbs
Average Physique
Half-orcs tend to be very broad across the shoulders and chest.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orc skin ranges from greenish to green grey tint. No known coupling between a red skinned orc and human has produced any viable offspring.


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