Knights of the Single Leaf Organization in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Knights of the Single Leaf

Originating from the small village of Dān yè, the Knights of the Single Leaf are an order dedicated to aiding the Avatar in maintaining peace and upholding justice in the world.   Members of the order are expected to become competent bladesmen and learn survival skills to travel and live anywhere in the world.   The founders of the order witnessed an ancient Avatar pronounce a blessing on the Dan Ye Tree, which inspired the founders of the order to dedicate themselves to helping the Avatar in any way possible. As long as a single leaf remains on the Dan Ye Tree, the Knights of the Single Leaf will continue their mission.

A Single Leaf Sparks Hope

Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Knights of Dan Ye
Training Level
Notable Members

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