Ke Xin Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Ke Xin (Kay-Zin)

Leader of the Knights of the Single Leaf.   A trained bladesman who wields a katana.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a green sash across his forehead.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from the village of Dān yè, Ke Xin was intially drafted into the service of the army of Earth Kingdom of Ba Sing Se at the age of 21 where he quickly learned military life was not for him. Ke Xin instead requested to become a part of Ba Sing Se's domestic guard, which he was granted. Since he was from a small farming village himself, Ke Xin worked well with common populace of the Kingdom of Ba Sing Se. Ke Xin served effectivly for many years in this role before working his way up to head of the domestic guard of Ba Sing Se.   When Ke Xin reached this position, he encountered for the first time the corruptness of the royal court which he dispised with a passion. The last straw for Ke Xin came when he was asked to collect a few extra bushels of wheat in taxes from the populace for a certain nobleman's coffers. Having compassion for the common people of Ba Sing Se, Ke Xin instead reported the nobleman to the High Earth King for corrupt behavior. However, the nobleman was well liked by the High Earth King, and the High Earth King instead told Ke Xin he had to listen to what the nobleman wanted. Instead of giving into these demands, Ke Xin resigned his position and returned to his home village of Dan Ye.   ----
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Never let your place in life now take you away from your roots"
Aligned Organization

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