Starting Gold and Equipment Physical / Metaphysical Law in Avaritia | World Anvil

Starting Gold and Equipment

Starting Gold

  Instead starting with equipment provided by class and background it is suggested that characters begin with the rolled gold appropriate to their class and then purchase equipment from the table in the PHB.   As a result of wealth being the principal measure by which characters advance (see Gold Use, Downtime and XP acquisition), characters can be added later to the party can be given additional starting wealth and the opportunity to spend it.   The most generally applicable estimation is that a character will start with additional gold = (the experience needed to reach the average level of the group) / 6. This means that if the player spends gold on class training then the character will be the same level as the rest of the group, however the player may choose to spend it on other expenses as desired.   In certain situations the DM may feel it appropriate to give the player a higher starting wealth than this, however this wil be done on a case by case basis.


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