Alchemy Profession in Avaria | World Anvil


Alchemists are able to create potions and elixirs from herbs and other ingredients. These items have a wide variety of effects and are highly sought after. A few examples of basic potions are: -   Elixir of Toughness. DC 11 Ingredients: 2 x Royalroot. Effect: +1 AC for 8 hours.   Elixir of Endurance. DC 11 Ingredients: 1 x Kingsblood, 1 x Royalroot. Effect: +4 Temporary HP for 8 hours.   Potion of Clarity DC 10 Ingredients: 1 x Silverleaf, 1 x Stranglebloom. Recover a 1st level spell slot.   Potion of Vitality DC 10 Ingredients: 1 x Yetisbane, 1 x Kingsblood. Immediately recover 2d4+4 HP or cure 1 non-magical ailment.



Anyone with the coin, intelligence and aptitude can become an alchemist. Gathering the ingredients for the many potions can be dangerous work, so many Alchemists choose to buy their ingredients from Herbalists or travel with bodyguards to pick them.

Career Progression

Novice - Those who have started learning the very basics of the craft.     Apprentice (10xp+) - Those who are able to concoct the basic potions consistently and start to handle slightly more advanced potion-making.     Journeyman (25xp+) Are able to make a wide variety of useful potions, most alchemists are at this skill level and are able to make a comfortable living selling their goods.     Expert (50xp+) Alchemists who have started to branch out into new and experimental potions made from more exotic ingredients.     Artisan - (80xp+) A renowned expert in the field of Alchemy, their potions are known far and wide.     Master - (120xp) A true master able to brew potions that defy the laws of the natural world. These masters are very rare indeed and guard their recipes jealously.

Payment & Reimbursement

Potions are an in-demand product in the empire and even more so on the frontier.   A basic healing potion can sell for 2-5 silver pieces.   Some of the more exotic potions can sell for tens of Gold Pieces.

Other Benefits

The potions, flasks and concoctions crafted by alchemists are highly sought after for their healing and enhancing properties.



Supplies potions to mercenary's, explorers, doctors and the Valgardian Military

Social Status

Well respected by those who can afford their wares. Thought of as strange and dangerous by the lowest castes.


1-2% it is a very niche career due to the time and dangers involved.



An Alchemical Lab is necessary.


Glass vials, herbs and space to work.


Beakers and bottles, books and scrolls. An alchemists lab is usually stocked with all kinds of different ingredients used in their craft.

Provided Services

Services as diverse as fire resistance to water breathing.

Dangers & Hazards

Some alchemical ingredients are highly dangerous compounds. When a risky concoction goes wrong it can cause explosions, poison or worse.
Alternative Names
Healing potions specifically are always in demand.
The Alchemists profession is legal and respected as long as it does not produce any banned substances.