Casey Salendas Character in Avanima | World Anvil
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Casey Salendas

The Priest of Light Casey Kias Salendas

Casey Salendas is a scholar and cleric for the Athians of Light with impressive intellectual qualifications. She is soft-spoken and introverted, but wise beyond her years and perhaps a bit rebellious.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though Casey is an indoor person if there ever was one, she has basic training in the arts of a cleric for Athians of Light. When combined with the natural physical prowess of the Olaran this means she has above average strength and stamina. Her reflexes have been somewhat neglected, but she is pretty stealthy while in flight. For an Olaran Casey is small: in comparison to most Avani, though, that is large.

Special abilities

Casey is well known for her strong connection to magic of the Light domain, augmenting her knowledge of medicine with a number of magical remedies to illness. She can create small objects at will, cure people of magical and natural conditions, enchant things with helpful spells, and even raise those who have recently died. With her intelligence she has discovered previously unknown abilities, such as an updated ritual that can cure Soul Sickness with better precision than previous spells.  
Classified Information Below: Eyes Only
Casey Salendas, with her rapid rate of magical discovery and growth, has been placed on watch list by the Magical Defense Initiative as a possible Paragon of the Light or Clarity domain.   Warning: Repeating this information to unauthorized individuals is punishable by life imprisonment or death per MDI Code 201/6/B

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the youngest to ever acheive full membership in the Athians of Light, Casey has a decent and growing list of achievements. She has made innovations in how magic is understood in the modern day, such as finally proving that Fate Apogees are capable of manipulating time or finding more effective magical remedies for Soul Sickness. Recently she was involved in a mathematical project to properly determine the circumference of Avanima around the equator.

Intellectual Characteristics

Casey, as a young scholar and clergy member for the Athians of Light, has studied extensively to get where she is today. This has left her wise far beyond her years, and she is looked upon for her extensive bookish knowledge. She is often sought out for her insight into matters of both religion and history. Her IQ is estimated to be above 130.


Social Aptitude

Casey is strictly average in terms of her ability to speak to people, no more or less competent than anyone else, but she prefers to remain cut off from others and avoids conversations. Often one will find her lost in thought or reading a book during a celebration, or in the corner contemplating existence while at a party. However, a philosophical discussion about morality or the nature of magic will attract her interest without fail.
Current Location
Year of Birth
439 22 Years old
Current Residence
Orange eyes surrounding a black pupil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White belly and dorsal feathers, light brown with dark brown speckles everywhere else
9 spans (2.25 feet)
70 flaps (1.75 pounds)
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Known Languages
Casey, in her studies, has learned to read and speak 4 languages: her native Hotaran, Chitterup (which everyone knows so it isn't all that impressive), Talin, and Cyani. She can also read and translate Ancient, the language of the primitive Avani, but as there are no living speakers even she has no idea how to speak it.

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