Canis-na Geographic Location in Avanima | World Anvil
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There is no greater pleasure than flying under the light of the wandering star.
  Rising in the east as a circle of blue-white light, Canis-na is a small moon of ice and blue rock in the heavens above Avanima. Orbiting in an extremely elliptical path with a high inclination, its size in the night sky can vary significantly in size between almost as large as Luna to little more than a tiny speck. Most of the time it is very small; however, on the full moon during its closest approach, Canis-na's influence on Avanima significantly strengthens all magic and temporarily impacts a number of natural events.  

The Wandering Light

Due to its elliptical orbit, Canis-na has a lengthy orbit of nearly 59 days; it spends most of that period far away from Avanima and only a little larger than most stars. It is also only visible from certain regions due to its high inclination. However, about a quarter of the way through its cycle it begins to grow in size. By halfway through its orbit the moon is almost as large as Luna in the night sky (though this lasts only a few days at most). This constant shifting in its size and visibility has given it the nickname "the Wandering Star".   Rarely, every few years, Canis-na's closest approach to Avanima aligns with the time of the full moon. During these nights, the influence of the lesser moon ignites magic throughout all the world (but only after dark). Magicians can cast spells significantly more powerful than they normally could. Apogees are given a burst of strength and set into a frenzy. Miraculous healings and terrible disasters wreak the globe. Rogue spirits and arcane monsters roam wild in areas where magic flows strongest. Even less frequently, when both moons are full at the same time, these effects are amplified.


Smaller than Luna (though depending on the location of its orbit it can appear larger) Canis-na is a spherical moon that astronomers believe is about 800 horizons (1400 mi) in diameter. From a distance it appears to be covered in liquid water; however, telescope observations have revealed that the surface appears to be covered in plains of ice and blue rock (possibly copper).
Alternative Name(s)
Luna Minor, the Wandering Star
Planetoid / Moon

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