Conclave Empire Organization in Avandra | World Anvil
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Conclave Empire


The Empire is built around the structure of a parliament system. There is an acting King who is seen as the ultimate decision-maker for the country. He decides on the important issues, and then sends the decisions to the parliament that is made up of 100 people from around the country. The parliament then makes bills or laws together and then sends the final draft to the King for approval or disapproval. The King has the option of either sending the bill back to parliament for revisions, approving the law as is, or to veto it completely without asking for a new draft.   Under the parliament and the King, there are smaller groups that act within regions of the country. They act as middle men between the people who live in the regions and the parliament. Often, members of parliament come from the regional governments. Regional governments act similar to the main Empire parliament, where one person is in charge of the region and can make the decisions for their region when it comes to things that the King has set as the "region's responsibilities." The main difference is that the parliament for the regions are typically only 25 seats, sometimes getting up to 50 when the population is larger.

Public Agenda

The main goal of the Empire is to always keep the peace between the three countries. Being the largest of the three, the Empire sees itself as responsible for taking care of the other two countries. The Empire also sees itself as being responsible for the promotion of the "true gods" and to spread the word of these gods to the other countries.


Being the largest of the three countries, the Empire is also the richest. It has access to resources needed for just about every type of trade an economy. The western portion of the Empire, and parts of the north, are used for mining and lumber, the south has fisheries and farming, the north is known for its metal working and mining, and the east is used as a port for trading and commerce.   Not only does the Empire hold a massive amount of power in economic standings, the Empire is also home to the largest military in the world. The Empire holds more soldiers than both Ebron and Xolta combined. While there hasn't been a war in nearly 4000 years, the Empire still believes that another Chaos Era could soon be upon them, and they want to be trained and ready to attack either Ebron or Xolta if needed.

Demography and Population

The Empire is widely varied through its lands. While there is no dominant race in the Empire, the regions have certain patterns to them. In the west, where mining and lumber are the main economic trades, many dwarves and elves live in the different cities, depending on where the cities and towns are actually located. Further north, gnomes, dwarves and humans are the main races found, typically suited better for the cold conditions and the mining and metal working. In the south, especially near the Nightshade Forest that divides the Empire from Ebron, dark and forest elves make up the main populace. Toward the east, humans are the main populace.   The Empire, while diverse across its lands, does see prejudice toward orcs, half-orcs, dragon-born, and a few other smaller population races. The Empire tries to promote the inclusion of these races, but because of the view of certain religious organizations and what they believe is the right interpretation of the Holy Tome, many people of the Empire see these races as "dirty" and "unholy"
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Empire

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