Avalon Siege of Luxor

Siege of Luxor

Military action

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6/7 3:00

After the Aryan Civil War the remaining Aryan Loyalist forces retreated to their Island fortress of Luxor. Commander Marcus Fay was assigned to drive them out.

After destroying the Aryan fleet Commander Marcus Fay was tasked with the invasion of Luxor. First he sent Commander SWAT and his engineers to scale Mt. Set behind the city of Luxor. SWAT and his engineers took a whole month to stealthy scale the mountain using alchemy and ropes. Once on top they prepared level firing positions for the cannons they had brought.

While Swat and his men had been climbing Marcus had blockaded Luxor. Admiral Veyla Talfar (a mermaid) destroyed the remaining Aryan naval forces within the first few days of the blockade.

Once SWAT's cannons started firing Marcus led his men to in an amphibious assault that led to 2 weeks of heavy fighting inside Luxor's walls. Only 183 Aryans, 98 being children surrendered and survived the fighting. All others were ether killed by the fighting or by their parents who refused to have their children brought up by those of soiled blood.

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