Toren Species in Avalon | World Anvil


Toren, known derogatorily as Demon Kin. Created by Aryans to be an ascetic foil to the Tonve or Angel People. The Toren's main physical characteristic is their curved horns or antlers as well as their many skin tones. These range from small antlers to great curved horns like bighorn sheep as well as skin tones ranging from pale peach to bright red or deep violet.

Basic Information


Humanoid, curved horns or small antlers on head. When used as weapons deal 2D4 damage per every 5 character levels.

Skin Tones: Red, Blue, Black, Peach, Pink, Brown

Growth Rate & Stages

Infant: 0-3 years

Child: 4-9 years

Adolescent: 10-17 years

Adult: 18-80 years

Elderly: 81-140 years

Dietary Needs and Habits

Toren enjoy eating lots of meat however they also enjoy eating fresh vegetables and sour fruit.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Aryans use as slaves

Facial characteristics

Humanoid with curved horns or small antlers on head.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Can see in low light up to 150ft.

Can use horns as weapons

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Large horns/ antlers are seen as a sign of beauty and strength.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship within Toren culture is a two way process, instead of one taking the lead both are expected to court the other by giving gifts, writing love letters, asking the other on dates or outings and pay for those dates. This is seen as a sign of Strength, stability, and love which are looked for in a partner.

Relationship Ideals

Toren want strong partners. Someone that can assist them in their goals, hep them take care of a family as well as give emotional, physical, and mental pleasure. Couples in marriages are considered to be equals in both responsibility and honor.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Toren have their own language but mostly speak common

Common Etiquette Rules

Touching a Toren's horns/ antlers is considered taboo except for romantic partners, who may do so as a show of their relationship status and to warn off any rivals.

Toren do have a duel ritual duel called the Dinos. Should a Toren feel another Toren has committed a offence against them they will challenge them to a Dinos. In the Dinos the 2 combatants can only use their horns. They will lock horns and hands and attempt to push the other outside a 10ft radius. They may use their horns to slash at each other but this is seen as a desperate attempt to win and bad form.

Common Dress Code

Due to the Dino, most Toren wear heavy leather jerkins (that flare out slightly over the shoulders) over their other clothes. The goal of these jerkins is to protect them against slashing horns in a Dino. Most of these jerkins are made from Dragon or Dinosaur skin and feature designs and patterns made from embossing, embroidery, and bead work.

Continuing the armor clothing Toren wear leather half kilt aprons called Kydos to protect their legs. The Kydos are worn over knee length pants.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Toren value physical strength, hard work, loyalty, and honesty. Stealing to survive is okay, as long as victim can survive as well. Be open to all around you. Respect the Gods and your Elders


Toren were created by the Aryans simply to be a astectic foil and rivals to the Tonve or Angle race. After being released from Aryan slavery the Toren first started living on their own in a tribal society spread throughout Avalon Valley. During the 1st Aryan war some Toren tribes assisted the Aryan Rebels to create the nation Prussia. During the 2nd Aryan War the Toren moved away from their tribes to integrate themselves into the nations around them for safety and better economic opportunities.
Carver Hastings
Carver Hastins by Sonora Palmer
Scientific Name
Aryan expermintation on Humans
90-140 years
Average Height
Male: 5' 6"- 5' 10"

Female: 5' 4"- 5' 8"

Average Weight
Adult Male: 180-200lbs

Adult Female: 160-180lbs

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin Tones: Hues of Red, Blue, Black, Peach, Pink, Brown


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