Camelot Settlement in Avalon | World Anvil



Primary: Humans, Blood Elves, Lowe,

Secondary: Dwarves, Drow

Minorities: Toren, Tonve, Merfolk


Nordin Reunia High King

Nordin Reunia Senate

Provincial Governor

City Mayor

City Council


20ft thick stone walls, towers, small cannons and trebuchets on walls. City Castle has wall around it as well with Towers.

Industry & Trade

Exports: Magic Items, Adventures, Potions, Alchemical Goods, Sea Food.

Imports: Food Ingredients (flour, spices, sugar, ect.), Alchemical Ingredients, Alcohol.

Made in City: Weapons, Clothing, Finished Food Products (ie: Bread, Pasta, Sauces ect.), Shoes, Ships


One merchant dock, one Military dock. Multiple merchant squares. UVU is still intact and serves as Athena's Library and Magic school as well as school and resource for adventurers. Mayor and City Offices in city castle. 4 watermills along the Provo river. Dwarven and Toren forge near UVU.

Guilds and Factions

Athena's Collage- Main Campus

Knights Hospitaller- Medium Hospital

Pegasus Knights- Manor House/recruiting office

Knights Teutonic- Manor House/recruiting office, small forge for weapon making

Knights of the Griffin- Large Manor/ recruiting office

Pegasus Knights- Manor inside City/ Recruiting Office, small sheep ranch outside city

Knights Templar- Own the ancient LDS Institute Building as chapel, recruiting office.

Merchant Guild

Merchant Marine Guild


Started as Human refugee camp after the Great Cataclysm. Soon became a large city that welcomed all races within it's walls. For a time it served as the capital of John Carson's Avalon city state/ Kingdom. Became a harbor for mages and cultists. Around the middle of the Age of the Godless the city was conquered by Lena Hoffman during a brief war between Norden Reunia and Avalon. During the age of the Godless the city became a major hub for all Adventurers who gave the city new life. Now it serves as the go to city for all adventurers. There they can get jobs, learn new skills and find fellow adventurers to travel with.


Coastal city with large river running through the middle with a medium island in the middle of river.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Related Reports (Primary)


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