The Golden Dawn Organization in Aurora | World Anvil

The Golden Dawn

The Golden Dawn, a resilient faction comprised of devoted light-wielding mages and paladins, stands as a stalwart resistance against the pervasive threat of The Cabal of Blood. In direct opposition to the Cabal's dark arts and necromantic pursuits, the Golden Dawn fervently seeks to locate the elusive Amulet of the Eternal Sun. Their noble purpose extends beyond personal gain, aspiring to harness the amulet's power for the greater good of Al'Taj.   As guardians of freedom in the face of the Cabal's domination ambitions, the Golden Dawn although small in numbers, actively works to thwart their operations wherever they may arise. Their mission involves not only seeking the amulet but also protecting the vulnerable from the insidious influence of the Cabal. The clandestine conflict between these two factions unfolds beyond the public eye, with neither side showing definitive signs of victory. In the intricate web of Al'Taji intrigue, the Golden Dawn persists as a beacon of hope and resistance against the encroaching darkness.