Exitas, God of Identity Character in Aurora | World Anvil

Exitas, God of Identity

God Exitas (a.k.a. God of Identity)

Embrace the brilliance of your uniqueness, for in the mosaic of existence, every shard contributes to the beauty of the whole.
— Follower of Exitas
  A young god belonging to a small but devout group of followers, Exitas is a god of identity and preservation. Taking the form of a bird-like dragon, they are the metaphysical successor to a previous god known as the Forgotten One, willed into existence by their followers after the former died of cosmic death. As a reflection of their predecessors' tenants and demise, Exitas claimed domain over identity and preservation of self, the antithesis of cosmic death as a concept. While they are not powerful enough to overcome cosmic death itself, they value and promote self identity above all else, and worship all sentient life as being unique and deserving of remembrance.
Most often he does not take a physical form. Instead, Exitas appears as a burning white comet, visible only on new moons. Anyone who stares for long enough at the comet receives his name in a calm voice, with those suffering from self-doubt or feelings of worthlessness being given words of encouragement. In the rare circumstances where Exitas makes a physical appearance, he appears as a four winged feathered dragon, with no visible scales and light emanating from their body. All who’ve heard the voice of Exitas liken it to that of an older cousin- oddly familiar and supportive, yet almost alien in nature.
While not strong enough to hold domain over universal concepts like older gods, Exitas still has those that both worship him and are blessed by him. Those who fight against homogenization and those who preserve the memory of others receive his blessings in equal measure. This leads to an odd duality, where the likes of artists and revolutionaries receive his blessings just as often as historians and gravekeepers. In contrast, Exitas vehemently despises corruptive or controlling forces that rob sentients of their agency, especially mind control. Any who fight against the likes of aboleths and mind flayers receive his blessings at their strongest.

Followers of Exitas

Followers of Exitas often congregate around metropolises, where people from different cultures and regions of the world can gather and share each other’s uniqueness. Their temples are often colorful places, serving as small performance halls and quaint libraries where the names and ideals of the departed are recorded, to keep them remembered long after death. A not-insignificant number of his followers choose to become entirely nomadic, wanting to experience the entire world without restraint.
  Exitas' religion centers on the worship of uniqueness and the commemoration of departed souls. Temples, colorful and vibrant, serve as both performance halls and libraries where the memories and ideals of the deceased are meticulously recorded. Devotees often congregate in metropolises, embracing diversity and seeking to experience the world's myriad cultures.

Champions of Exitas

Champions Alignment: Usually neutral, often good
Suggested Classes: Bards, Druids, Paladins, Artificers
Suggested Cleric Domain: Twilight, Life, Grave, Knowledge
Suggested Backgrounds: Inheritor, Sage, Hermit, Folk Hero, Entertainer, Acolyte
  Champions of Exitas are often chosen from those who believe in the beauty of uniqueness. No life is simply worthless, and all creatures have a uniqueness worth remembering. His champions are all people who both believe in this fact and actively go throughout the world practicing it, either by promoting diversity, chronicling the memories of others, and or fighting those who’d strip the world of either.



Earning and losing piety
You can increase your piety score to Exitas when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
• Celebrate the diversity of others
• Preserve the names of the departed
• Abhor the forces of corruption and consolidation
• Create pieces of art, especially for others to see
  Your piety score to Exitas decreases if you diminish Exitas’ influence in the world, contradict with their ideals, or let them down through acts such as these:
• Work with forces of homogenization
• Insult the works and admirations of others
• Utilize mind controlling spells or abilities

Exitas’ Devotee (Piety+3 Exitas Trait)
As a devotee of Exitas, you’ve proven your sense of self and appreciation of it in others. You can cast protection from evil and good with this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Exitas’ Votary (Piety+10 Exitas Trait)
Your body is suffused with the influence of Exitas. You have advantage on checks to avoid being charmed or magically altered (such as the polymorph spell)
Exitas’ Disciple (Piety+25 Exitas trait)
You have become a weapon of Exitas’ fight against corruption. You have advantage on attack rolls against aberrations.
Champion of Exitas (Piety+50 Exitas trait)
You can increase your Charisma or Constitution score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Luminous Comet
A representation of Exitas' celestial form, this symbol embodies the burning white comet visible on new moons. It signifies guidance, encouragement, and the divine voice that echoes words of support to those in need.
  The Feathered Dragon
Depicting Exitas in their four-winged feathered dragon form, this symbol symbolizes the god's protection and unique presence. It is often used in temples and artworks to invoke the essence of Exitas.
  The Quill and Scroll
A more abstract representation, this symbol combines a quill and a scroll, emphasizing the importance of chronicling and preserving knowledge, memories, and individual stories.

Tenets of Faith

Celebrate the Different: The sheer existence of life is a miracle. Everything, even the understood, has a beauty to be found and appreciated.
    Preserve the Departed: Death may be inevitable, but Exitas teaches that everyone's true selves deserve to be chronicled, even those of opponents.
    Reject Consolidation: None should be forced into a mold or made to think thoughts beyond their own. Homogenization should be rejected, and mind control considered an abhorrent sin.
    Promote Creation: All peoples should be encouraged to find their own sense of self and make works using the gift of creativity.


Luminara's Embrace
Date: Celebrated on the night of the new moon.
Description: Devotees gather to observe the appearance of the luminous comet, believed to be a direct manifestation of Exitas. The night is dedicated to self-reflection, encouragement, and the sharing of personal stories.

Diversity Festival
Date: Seasonal, typically during the transition between seasons.
Description: A lively celebration that emphasizes the beauty of diversity. People from various backgrounds come together to showcase their unique talents, arts, and traditions. It's a time to appreciate differences and foster understanding.


Contacts & Relations

Yanna, God of Messages and Wisdom
The two gods both find value in life and finding one’s self, but Exitas often criticizes Yanna for being too passive and indifferent to evil forces. Still, the two get along well.
Tala, God of Bearkin and Lost Souls
Exitas often works alongside Tala in many ways. Where he helps those who are figuratively lost, she helps those who are literally lost. It’s often that both gods work in tandem with one another to uplift mortals in need of aid.
Iroas, God of Victory and Mogis, God of Slaughter
In the perpetual war of the two brothers, Exitas most often supports Iroas, seeing the senseless rage Mogis infects his followers with as antithetical to the uniqueness of life. While not strong enough to directly fight in their battle, Exitas often provides aid to the followers of Iroas, who in turn often join the fight against the corruptive forces he despises.
Ephara, God of the Polis
With both gods having their own fascination with the preservation of knowledge and art, Exitas occasionally has conversations with the God of Polis on long starless nights.
Divine Classification
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Feathers


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