Church of The Pulse and Note Organization in Aurora | World Anvil

Church of The Pulse and Note

In the dance of The Pulse, find solace in its rhythm—a force beyond consciousness, weaving the tapestry of existence.
— Follower of The Pulse and Note
  The Church of the Pulse and Note thrives on the rhythmic heartbeat of the universe, venerating the unseen pattern known as the Pulse and the enigmatic being called Note. Temples are vibrant centers resonating with musical echoes, where congregants gather to attune themselves to the cosmic beat. The church's essence lies in the dualities of control and chaos, echoing the delicate balance between the rhythmic order of the Pulse and the capricious interventions of Note.


The organizational structure revolves around Harmony Keepers, individuals attuned to the Pulse, and Note's Whisperers, who interpret the divine messages. Temples are led by Pulsewardens, responsible for maintaining the cosmic balance. The Hierophant oversees multiple temples, ensuring unity in the understanding of the Pulse and Note.


The culture of the Church of the Pulse and Note is deeply musical, with rituals and ceremonies often accompanied by melodic expressions. Congregants embrace the duality of order and chaos, finding beauty in the interplay between the rhythmic stability of the Pulse and the unpredictable whims of Note.  


Rhythm's Embrace (Desperation's Respite): Celebrated to reflect on wishes granted, emphasizing the delicate balance between desires and the toll on cosmic harmony. Followers meditate on their past wishes and their impact on the universal Pulse.
  Harmony's Dance (Entropic Reverie): A festive celebration marking the cyclic nature of creation and destruction. Followers participate in rhythmic dances, symbolic of the cosmic dance between wishes and chaos. Offerings are made to acknowledge the harmony that emerges from the ebb and flow of existence.

Cosmological Views

In the cosmology of the Pulse and Note, the universe is a symphony of harmonies guided by the Pulse. Note's interventions create discordant notes, introducing unpredictability. Devotees believe that by aligning with the Pulse and interpreting Note's melodies, they can navigate the currents of fate and chance.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Rhythm: Recognize and attune yourself to the subtle beats of The Pulse woven into the fabric of the universe. Listen, feel, and understand its ever-present influence.
  Adapt to the Flux: Life is a tapestry of constant change. Learn to flow with the rhythm of existence, adapting to the flux of fortune and misfortune that The Pulse orchestrates.
  Equality in Echoes: In the grand symphony of existence, every individual note plays a crucial role. Uphold the idea that all beings are equal participants in the cosmic composition, each contributing to the harmony in their unique way.
  Seek the Synchrony: Align your actions with the cosmic Pulse, finding moments of synchrony where your endeavors resonate with the universal rhythm. This harmony is the key to unlocking the full potential of The Pulse.
  Balance Desires: Acknowledge the delicate equilibrium between personal wishes and the greater cosmic order. Strive for desires that harmonize with the Pulse rather than disrupt its natural flow.
Spread the Knowledge: Act as a conduit for the teachings of The Pulse, sharing its wisdom and patterns with those willing to listen. Encourage others to perceive the cosmic beats and appreciate the beauty in chaos.
  Grant Freedom: Embrace the freedom inherent in The Pulse. Avoid binding its influence to personal desires or agendas. Allow The Pulse to flow freely, touching lives without undue constraint.
  Challenge Stagnation: Stand against oppressive structures that seek to stifle individuality and the natural flow of existence. Embrace change and challenge stagnation in all its forms.
  Favor the Bold: Reward those who boldly navigate the unpredictable currents of life in harmony with The Pulse. Encourage risk-taking and creativity, for it is in the unexpected that the true beauty of existence unfolds.
  Witness the Pulse: Act as a witness to the cosmic beats, observing the ebb and flow of wishes and entropy. Through your actions, exemplify the understanding that Note has achieved—acknowledging the limits of one's influence and respecting the autonomy of The Pulse.


Ethics within the Church of the Pulse and Note revolve around finding equilibrium in one's actions. Devotees are encouraged to embrace both order and chaos, recognizing that each plays a vital role in the cosmic symphony. The ethical code emphasizes adaptability and an understanding of the dual nature of existence.


Worship involves rhythmic ceremonies where congregants attune themselves to the Pulse through music and meditation. Note's unpredictable interventions are celebrated as moments of divine inspiration. Devotees believe that by synchronizing with the Pulse and heeding Note's messages, they can navigate the unpredictable dance of fate.


The priesthood consists of Harmony Keepers and Note's Whisperers. Harmony Keepers specialize in attuning to the Pulse, seeking rhythmic stability. Note's Whisperers interpret the unpredictable messages of Note, acting as conduits between mortals and the whimsical forces at play.

Granted Divine Powers

You can increase your piety score to Note when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Teach someone about the Pulse and how to listen for it
• Use the Pulse to benefit others in a meaningful way
• Punish those who disregard the equality of all people

      Your piety score to Note decreases if you diminish The Pulse's influence in the world, contradict with their ideals, or let them down through acts such as these:
  • Don’t attempt to tap into the Pulse for a long enough time
• Actively decry or oppose the Pulse or Note
• Attempt to call Note directly

  Blank’s devotee (Piety+3 Blank Trait)
Whenever a worshiper reaches +3 piety, they gain the ability to cast Fortune’s Favor once per long rest.
  Blank’s Votary (Piety+10 Blank Trait)
Whenever a worshipper reaches +10 piety they gain another trait. Your manipulation or trust of The Puls grows. When you make an ability check that uses a skill, you can roll a d6 immediately after seeing the number on the d20 and add the number on the d6 to the check. You can use this feature equal to your proficiency modifier.
  Blank’s Disciple (Piety+25 Blank trait)
Whenever a worshipper reaches +25 piety they gain another trait. This is unique to the god so go wild.
  Champion of Blank (Piety+50 Blank trait)
When a worshipper reaches +50, they are presented with 2 stat increases. They must choose one, and they’re maximum stat block for that stat goes from 20 to 22
Religious, Organised Religion


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