Church of Kruphix

The horizon is not a boundary; it is an invitation to explore the infinite possibilities that lie beyond.
— Follower of Kruphix
  The Church of Kruphix, dedicated to the god of horizons and mysteries, is an enigmatic institution that draws its followers into the contemplation of the unknown. Temples of Kruphix are often situated in remote, natural locations, providing a connection to the vastness of the cosmos. The faithful gather to ponder the mysteries of existence and seek the elusive wisdom that lies beyond the horizon.


The Church of Kruphix operates with a decentralized and inclusive structure. Local congregations, led by visionary seers known as Horizon Speakers, serve as centers for communal contemplation. These leaders guide the faithful in exploring the mysteries of the cosmos and understanding the ever-expanding horizons of knowledge.


Cultural life within the Church of Kruphix is characterized by a profound curiosity and a reverence for the unknown. Followers are encouraged to embrace uncertainty and view the mysteries of the cosmos as a source of inspiration. Art and rituals often reflect the beauty of natural landscapes and the vastness of the night sky, fostering a sense of awe and wonder.  


Eclipse's Embrace: Celebrated during a rare celestial event, Eclipse's Embrace is a time for followers to gather and meditate on the interconnectedness of the cosmos. It is believed that during such moments, Kruphix's revelations are more easily received.

Cosmological Views

In the cosmology of Kruphix, the god governs over the mysteries that transcend mortal understanding. The church teaches that the cosmos is an infinite expanse of undiscovered knowledge, and Kruphix holds the key to unlocking the secrets hidden beyond the horizon. The god's influence permeates the fabric of reality, guiding seekers on their quest for enlightenment.

Tenets of Faith

Seek Knowledge: Embrace the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Strive to uncover the mysteries of the universe and the secrets hidden within the tapestry of time.
  Maintain Balance: Act as a guardian of balance in the world. Ensure that the cosmic order remains undisturbed and that the threads of fate weave without interference.
  Listen to the Silence: Find wisdom in silence and contemplation. Understand that not all answers are spoken, and often, the truest knowledge is found in the quiet spaces between words.
  Embrace the Horizon: Explore the vast horizons of existence. Embrace the unknown and welcome the unfolding mysteries that stretch beyond the visible.


Ethics within the Church of Kruphix revolve around the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and a harmonious coexistence with the mysteries of the universe. Followers are encouraged to embrace the unknown, seek enlightenment through introspection, and cultivate a sense of wonder. The ethical framework emphasizes humility in the face of the vast cosmos and the interconnectedness of all things.


Worship in the Church of Kruphix involves contemplative practices, stargazing, and rituals that celebrate the mysteries of existence. The faithful engage in meditation to attune themselves to the cosmic energies that flow through the universe. Offerings are made to Kruphix as expressions of gratitude for the insights gained and the mysteries unveiled during their journey of contemplation.


The priesthood of Kruphix consists of Horizon Speakers, seers and mystics who possess a unique connection to the god. They guide congregations in exploring the mysteries of existence and interpreting the signs hidden within the natural world. The priesthood values intuition, insight, and an open-minded approach to the unknown.
Religious, Organised Religion


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