Church of Irsoth Organization in Aurora | World Anvil

Church of Irsoth

To be formless is to be everything and nothing, a canvas awaiting the strokes of your own creation.
— Follower of Irsoth
A second chance is a gift, but guard against the temptation to lose the essence of who you are.
— Follower of Irsoth
  The Church of Irsoth, devoted to the elusive god of the formless, is an enigmatic and ever-changing religious institution. Irsoth embodies the ever-shifting nature of the formless, making the church's structure and practices fluid and adaptable. Temples dedicated to Irsoth are often temporary and mutable, taking on different shapes and forms to reflect the ever-changing essence of the god.


The organizational structure of the Church of Irsoth is intentionally formless, lacking a fixed hierarchy. Devotees gather in transient congregations, and leadership is fluid, with individuals assuming roles based on the needs of the moment. The church embraces change, allowing it to adapt swiftly to new circumstances and challenges.


Irsoth's culture is characterized by adaptability, unpredictability, and a celebration of the ever-changing aspects of existence. Devotees are encouraged to embrace fluidity and appreciate the beauty in the shifting forms of life. Artistic expression within the church takes various, unpredictable forms, reflecting the dynamic nature of Irsoth.  


Rebirth's Embrace: Celebrated during the spring equinox, this holiday marks the rejuvenation of life. Followers gather to share stories of personal reinvention, and new converts often receive Irsoth's blessing.

Cosmological Views

Irsoth's cosmology revolves around the concept of formlessness as the underlying essence of existence. The god is believed to embody the ever-changing nature of reality, transcending fixed shapes and structures. Devotees perceive the cosmos as an ever-shifting tapestry, and worship involves attuning oneself to the formless currents that flow through the universe.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Change: The formless nature of life allows for endless possibilities. Embrace change, reinvent yourself, and find new purpose.
  Guard Against Loss: While second chances are granted, beware the temptation to lose oneself in the multitude of identities. Value the essence of your existence.
  Offer Guidance: Those who have rebuilt their lives should extend a guiding hand to others facing despair, helping them navigate the complexities of a renewed existence.
  Shape Your Destiny: Life is a canvas waiting to be painted. Take charge of your destiny, mold it with purpose, and live a life worthy of remembrance.


Ethics within the Church of Irsoth emphasize adaptability, acceptance of change, and an appreciation for the formless aspects of existence. Devotees are encouraged to navigate the complexities of life with an open mind, recognizing the beauty in transformation. The church promotes ethical conduct that aligns with the ever-shifting currents of Irsoth's essence.


Worship in the Church of Irsoth is a dynamic and ever-changing experience. Temples and congregations take on different forms, adapting to the worshipers' collective consciousness. Rituals involve meditation on the formless, embracing change, and attuning oneself to the dynamic currents of Irsoth's essence. Worshipers celebrate the beauty in the ever-shifting nature of existence.


The priesthood of Irsoth is decentralized, with individuals assuming priestly roles based on their intuitive connection to the formless. Priests, known as Fluxweavers, guide congregations through rituals that embrace change and adaptability. Initiates undergo training to attune themselves to the shifting currents of Irsoth's essence.

Granted Divine Powers

You can increase your piety score to Irsoth when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Helping someone escape a situation they want no part in.
• Destroying the ‘shackles’ of someones life, whether literally or figuratively.
• Stopping someone from acting in a way that would betray their own morals.
  Your piety score to Irsoth decreases if you diminish Irsoth’s influence in the world, contradict with their ideals, or let them down through acts such as these:
    • Forcing someone to act in a certain way they do not wish to.
• Restricting someone's actions or feelings, physically, emotionally or otherwise.
• Changing someone so much that they have changed for the worse.
  Becomer (Piety+3 Irsoth Trait)
Whether through Irsoth himself, or another follower of his, you have inherited Irsoth’s gift, with ample warning not to abuse such a thing. You can cast Alter self with this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma or wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You chose this stat when you first gain this ability, unable to change it. You regain all uses of this feature when you finish a long rest.
  The Flexible self (Piety+10 Irsoth trait)
Using Irsoths gift, or by acting in accordance to his word and whims, you've gained more control over his gift, using it now as second nature. When casting Alter self using this feature, it no longer requires concentration. Additionally, You may spend an action to dispel any spell or magic disguising or altering your form.
  Formless (Piety+25 Irsoth trait)
You've further realized the power present within Irsoths gift, and can mold your form to benefit any situation required, however your ability worries Irsoth. Are you capable enough to retain yourself even with the ability to forgo it? You can now cast Alter self at will. Additionally, you can now cast Polymorph targeting only yourself a number of times a day equal to the modifier you chose when you first gained Becomer, Instead turning into any non beast creature with a CR equal to less than half of your level.
  Champion of Irsoth (Piety+50 Irsoth trait)
You've inherited the very essence of Irsoths gift, for better or for worse. Regardless of how you've used your gift, Irsoth has looked on, and bestowed one last gift befitting your assistance to his cause You can increase your Constitution or Charisma by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2. Its suggested you take the score you feel fits with your journey best. If you feel as though your character has retained their sense of self through your journey, Raise your Wisdom, however If you feel as though your character has lost their sense of self, Raise your Charisma
Religious, Organised Religion


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