BEAD Item in Aurora | World Anvil


Button for Entering Artificial Dreams

A Button for Entering Artificial Dreams, also known as a BEAD, is a device that enables Variants to use shared dream technology. Once activated, it transports the user's mind to a constructed dream space, causing them to fall into a deep sleep in the process. Variants use these spaces to meet in private, whether that be to discuss sensitive information or simply spend time together.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The dream space's unique address code is sent to the BEAD via Crimson Layer manipulation using a separate machine. The address is stored inside the black dot in the centre. Once the BEAD is activated, it first checks whether the dream space is accessible. It then links up with the user's brain and begins to extract their consciousness. Once the process is complete, the user's mind is then transferred into the shared dream.
Item type
Not uncommon, though they are most often used by Scholars and members of the Council. They have limited use amongst Kinderwuhns.
Extra light
About the size of a small bead
Raw materials & Components
BEADs are made up of a clear gel-like body and a small black dot suspended in the centre. The black dot, or the core, is the source of tbe BEAD's computing power. The body allows the core to link up with the brain when stuck to the side of the user's temple.


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