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The Spirit of the Woods

The Mighty Protector of the Mowic-Forest

Written by TheTrueNick

"Hey, you don't really want to go into the Mowic-Forest, do you? You heard of what happened to our neighbor's son that also went in there!? They couldn't even find all his bones! They just found his amulet and three of his fingers! I know we need the Anor, but there has to be another way to get them!"
"Don't be afraid, my dear. I'm only away for a few days to cut down some Aceiro-Wood and when I'm back we can afford an actual hut! Image the faces of our children if they hear, that they don't have to sleep in this dirty shack anymore!"
~Last conversation between a wife and her husband. They only found his hat near a torn out Aceiro-Tree. Authorities claim that he supposedly got lost in the forest after an attack of Lamigyns.
  The Spirit of the Woods is the alleged deity that protects the Mowic-Forest from any harm. Although no one has seen this mystical creature yet, a good part of the peasantry that lives near the forest beliefs in its existence and doesn't dare to go too far in it.


The Legend goes that there lives an enormous tree-like creature in the Mowic-Forest with ranks and leaves covering its whole wood-like figure and long sharp branches jutting out of its grotesque body.
It is said that the Spirit of the Forest once was a kind and forgiving deity that gave patronage to all inhabitants of the forest no matter who they were. After the humans started to wage war against the elves of the forest and much blood was shed across the floor, the once benevolent spirit became corrupted as his roots began to nourish on the remains of its beloved.
Now he only punishes the fools that try to harm the wood in any way or stay in it for too long. He then is going to abduct these unfortunate souls and feeds them to his children, the Bhàn. He does this with such great passion (or hate) that he completely forgets about his origins and even destroys whole parts of the wood just to get to his next victims.

Historical Basis

While there have been many records of humans vanishing without a trace in the woodlands of the Mowic-Forest none of them could be traced back to any gigantic superstitious being.
Many peasants have also reported paths of fallen trees going throughout the whole forest, but the local government claimed that these were only expansion-projects or the act of some mad Lamigyns. However, the local power couldn't give an answer to how some deranged Lamigyns should have been able to cut down a whole Aceiro-Tree, which consists of the hardest wood in the entire world. There were also some stone carvings deep in the woods made by some Lamigyn-Tribes that show a huge beast that eats one of their shamans, but they weren't very clear so it could have been anything.
Over time the population has started to come up with its own theories about a vengeful forest-spirit, even though there was no one that could give a proper description of this vicious creature. Or at least no one that's still alive as many would say...


The legend of the Spirit of the Woods is common throughout the entire civilized world. It has its highest popularity in the Kingdom of the Southlands and in Kaelinsburg. House Deilen is trying its best to denounce this tale to reduce the fear of its people.
Date of First Recording
376 EE
Date of Setting
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Cover image: by veeterzy


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