Thraindurrin (Shield Dwarves) Species in Auras | World Anvil
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Thraindurrin (Shield Dwarves)

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Favor steep, rolling foothills around the feet of the mountains their kin claim or the sloping walls of a river valley on the outer edge of such a mountain rainge.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thraindurrin probably have the most diversity diet of any dwarven race. They great pride in the variety of mushrooms availible from the mountain cousins in addition tot he fresh produce, meats, cheeses, and grains that they open territories allow them. They still prefer red meat as a rule, but quite enjoy fish and fowl when properly seasoned and served with the right sides. Indeed, halflings are known to go out of their way to share a meal with the Thraindurrin when they find themselves traveling through dwarven lands.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A local Thrane who rules the immediately surrounding clans which are run by Matriarchs and Patriarchs elected from the local family heads that make up that clan.

Facial characteristics

More prominent noses feature among the Thraindurrin, with wider set eyes. Only about half of the females grow beards and their hair and beards tend to be black or occasionally blonde.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thraindurrin live about half of their lives above ground and have lost the full darkvision vision abilities of their kin, but still retain superior vision in low-light situations on par with an elf's. Thraindurrin are masters of masonry and have developed an intuitive sense that makes them extra perceptive when trying to derive clues from stonework.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Terras Sapient (Thrandur)
A cultural split among the Fendelvar resulted in this hill country dwelling race of dwarves
Conservation Status
Represents about a third of the dwarven population. They are not currently considered to be at risk.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones range from caramel tan to just just shy of fair; however even the lightest skinned had a deep reddish tan from long days beneath the son.

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