Narvala Hetrion (Deceased) Character in Aulyre's Eberron Gazetteer | World Anvil

Narvala Hetrion (Deceased)

Guard Captain Narvala is the captain of the Flame Ward watch. At 29, she is one of the younger guard captains but is well respected by the Sigilstar administration and senior watch officers. Often new watch members or Sigilians are surprised to learn she is a captain, but she tries to have a sense of humor about it. Narvala is 5'7" and toned. She has dark hair that is straight and cropped at the chin and deep green eyes. She is fond of smoking her pipe, laughs easily, and never misses a drill.   As guard captain of the Flame Ward, it was her duty to reach out to Gunn-Poudre Inquisitive Agency when weapon smithies in Sigilstar were being robbed. The city watch wasn't able to track down the culprits, though they knew it wasn't the White Hand Guild. Working with the junior inquisitives of the agency, the case of the robberies was solved - a corrupted druid had been raising and training rust monsters to destroy all of the metal in the smithies that provided weapons and arms.   Sadly, Guard Captain Hetrion died in the line of duty while supporting the Gunn-Powder Inquisitive Agency investigation of the Cult of Tul Oreshka on the 8th of Barrakas, 997.

Guard Captain Narvala is the captain of the Flame Ward watch. At 29, she is one of the younger guard captains but is well respected by the Sigilstar administration and senior watch officers. Often new watch members or Sigilians are surprised to learn she is a captain, but she tries to have a sense of humor about it. Narvala is 5'7" and toned. She has dark hair that is straight and cropped at the chin and deep green eyes. She is fond of smoking her pipe, laughs easily, and never misses a drill.

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