Nautical Operators and Reapers Special Expeditions Organization in Atryal | World Anvil
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Nautical Operators and Reapers Special Expeditions

NORSE are the newest faction of Reapers but are rapidly gaining a reputation for being highly trained and incredibly efficient. They work for the people who actually need help rather than the highest bidder and have a large naval army. Thanks to people like Luther and Lother they are also the most celebrated group of mercenaries know to have existed.
Guild, Professional

NORSE are a major faction of Reapers but are developing their own code of honour

Originally established by Reapers to be a more subtle version of GROSS (the stiletto blade in between the armour rather than the massive explosion so to speak) NORSE are branching away from Reapers and becoming a more honorable form of mercenary

After a bitter defeat by NORSE, GROSS have been looking for a way to get their own back

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