Global Reapers Overseas Special Services Organization in Atryal | World Anvil
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Global Reapers Overseas Special Services

GROSS are the largest faction of Reapers and specialise in anything with explosives. Notorious for being the deadliest faction of Reapers they hold a grudge and will happily have high collateral damage. As the largest group of Reapers they are hired the most and have the highest funding. This in a way has been the death of their skill, as it will always be. Increased funding decreased the fight for them to survive and increased the legitimacy with governments. A lack of frequent manhunts for their operators and being allowed to patrol the streets in relative safety has meant that they have lost some of their skill and now rely on their weapons rather than operatives' skill.   GROSS are a dangerous faction but a rivalry where they try to stay ahead of NORSE is beginning to affect them. An inside joke from NORSE has spread to larger communities and GROSS are more than a little touchy about it. It started as an accident: a NORSE soldier started calling them gross (pronounced gr - o - ss rather than gr - oh - ss). A gross is an animal that only exists from its own stubbornness and its skin is used as Warhog toilet paper.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary

After a bitter defeat by NORSE, GROSS have been looking for a way to get their own back

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