Demon Species in Atrueca | World Anvil


From EwenChristopher at DnD Beyond
"Hailing from the depths of hell itself, the Demon's power is restrained upon entering the mortal's plain, whereas before they reigned almighty over humans, now in order to attain a soul (Their main source of power), they must obtain it through fair trade, and just as it was foreseen, this law was exploited for all it was worth, and the Demon's reputation shifted, from ungodly beasts, to the deceptive and charismatic conman they are depicted as in modern times.   Their exploitation of the mortal law is all in favor to their charisma, knowing the ups and downs of the art of trade, making them vicious competitors. they remain largely anonymous due to their reputation (Rather, their lack thereof), only adding to their shady background."

Civilization and Culture


Hailing from the depths of hell itself, the Demon's power is restrained upon entering the mortal's plain, whereas before they reigned almighty over humans, now in order to attain a soul (their main source of power), they must obtain it through fair trade, and just as it was foreseen, this law was exploited for all it was worth, and the Demon's reputation shifted, from ungodly beasts, to the deceptive and charismatic conman they are depicted as in modern times.   Their exploitation of the mortal law is all in favour to their charisma, knowing the ups and downs of the art of trade, making them vicious competitors. they remain largely anonymous due to their reputation (Rather, their lack thereof), only adding to their shady background.
Average Height
Five to six feet in bound form.


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