Creatures of Atrathra
From the untamed wilderness of Asclepia, to the sprawling deserts of Carcarass, Atrathra is inhabited by many creatures both dangerous and intelligent, some magical. The first creatures ever to live were the dragons born of the stars. It was a long time after this that any other species came into being. Some creatures, like sphinxes and centaurs, originated from the spirit world, explaining why they typically live for 500 years in each life. Other animals slowly evolved into what they are today living a more normal lifespan.
Creatures of Herfia
- Albatross
- Snow Fox
- Leopard Seal
- Snow Petrol
- Puffin
- Mink
- Gyrfalcon
- Reindeer
- Polar Bear
- Emperor Penguin
Creatures of Carcarass
Poisonous:- Horned Viper Snake
- Inland Taipan Snake
- Deathstalker scorpion
- Poison Dart Frog
- Emperor scorpion
- Coral Snake
- Gila Monster General:
- Kudu
- Goanna
- Gerenuk
- Golden Jackal
- Pangolin
- Serval
- Bearded Vulture
- Mongoose
- Fossa
- Fennec Fox
- Thorny Devil
- Bamboo Lemur
- Addax
- Gobi Bear
- Tortoise
- Clouded Leopard
- Sand Cat
- Andean Condor
- Caracal
- Selemino Lizard
Creatures of Asclepia
- Sparrowhawk
- Chimera
- Marsh rabbit
- Sphinx
- Ermine
- Basilisk Lizard
- Satin Bowerbird
- Saola
- Red Wolf
- Glass Frog
- Peacock Spider
- Lilac Breasted Roller
- Bearded Vulture
- Tufted Deer
- Ocelot
- Ili Pika
- Tortoise
- Maned Wolf
Introduction: Dragons were the first creatures ever to exist, born of the stars when there was still no land in Atrathra, in the very First Age, and when the three levels of the world (Death, The Spirit World Udici, and Atrathra) had yet to be made into being. These days, dragons are extremely rare, with reported sightings of them usually only once in half a century; some even say they are extinct. We do not know half as much about these amazing creatures as we would like to. Overall Description: Every dragon has scales, claws, sharp teeth, and tails. Most dragons have wings. Typically a dragon has four claws, two on the back of it's torso and two on the front. Dragon's heads are similar to lizard heads, with little round holes as ears and an eye on either side. Some dragons can breathe either, fire, gales of wind and ice, or water. Species: There are many different species of dragon, ranging from fire dragons to wingless sea monsters. Most of these were sighted a very long time ago, so we cannot be sure, they even still exist. Note: Press on the link to go to the Dragon article Dragons It contains much more info on the Dragons of AtrathraRemove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild