Wobbling Flesh Species in Atocitera | World Anvil
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Wobbling Flesh

I was asked what is the worst that could happen when one is manipulating the Flow.
I am always thinking and reminiscing but I always get to the same.
It does not matter if you explode in all directions, melt your brain away, poison yourself with metals, or delete your personality.
Hell, I am even Blossom ghost and it's not that bad!
What is bad is getting turned into Wobbly Flesh. The Fluid is powerful but nasty with this.
If you are lucky your existence as a puddle of living, moving, suffering flesh will be short-lived.
If. You. Are. Lucky.
-Grandpa Gzhongk


Wobbling Flesh is any living organism, that lost its original form due to exposure to Fluid Flow.
Without any way to have composure, the Wobbling Flesh is often having a shape similar to a droplet of water attached to a surface.
They come in many sizes and colors depending on the size of the original organism.   The lifespan of Wobbling Flesh is often short-lived. Living only until it burns its storage of resources, as its ability to sustain itself is nonexistent to extremely small.
Because of the sheer suffering, this drastic change of form causes the basic instinct of the organism to often take control while the higher intelligent functions regress into nothingness.
The Wobbling Flesh will still try to survive to the best of its abilities. Even then the lifespan is short, considering its miserable state.
However, if Wobbling Flesh gets into contact with Corruption it allows it to rapidly change, develop whatever it needs to achieve its goals, and often change into a completely different life form from what it used to be before. Depending on the amount of exposure to the Corruption, the Flesh may even create a means of self-replication. Resulting in the creation of a new monster species.    


Wobbling Flesh has little say in what it eats or absorbs. As it can use pretty much any resource at its disposal for its survival.
Once it starts absorbing something, it will tend to go for more of the same material. This does not necessarily mean that the Wobbling Flesh will survive. If it adapted to certain material, that just so happened to be around it, it could meet its demise unless it promptly finds more of it or finds another way to sustain itself.   If possible, Raiders are encouraged to assist Wobbling Flesh towards diets suitable for the environment it is found in.     


Wobbling flesh has three stages after being turned from its previous state. Confusement, stabilizing, and survival.
  Confusement: The phase of confusement is right after the organism is turned into Wobbling Flesh due to contact with Fluid. Once the Fluid affects the organism, it often dissipates.
The confusement takes a few moments before the higher functions get overwhelmed by the new state and survival instincts kick in and take control, replacing whatever mentality it had before.   Stabilizing: After the survival instinct takes control, the Wobbling Flesh has to stabilize its fleeting existence.
During this stage, the flesh is trying to find sources of materials it can sustain itself with. Developing specific diets and means to process them.   Survival: After it stabilizes, the Wobbling Flesh can be considered a new and complete organism. If it finds a way of spreading itself, it then becomes a new monster species.   The behavior of the new species then depends on its own evolution process. Technically being a new species, it often gets its own observation.    


Wobbling Flesh does not have any natural way of spreading. However, any new means of reproduction are often based on its previous methods unless some drastic mutation happened and rendered previous reproduction concepts completely unusable.   New methods of reproductions are often absorbed during the stabilization stage. Occasionally the Wobbling Flesh manages to turn itself into fauna, resulting in spots of a fleshy version of grass, and bushes with occasional fruit growths.    

Relationship with others

Wobbling Flesh is often viewed as easy prey by other monsters. Beasts are often keeping their distance from these dangerous blobs. When eaten, the Wobbling Flesh may change and adapt to its new surrounding, hence why only monsters tend to prey on it. The flesh may even adapt to beasts upon contact, changing to either a symbiotic organism or a parasitic one.  

Relationship with Raiders

Wobbling Flesh can rarely if ever discern the difference between other living beings. This makes Raiders both dangerous and vulnerable to it. The Flesh is at their mercy, and they are often not messing with the Wobbling Flesh in its stabilizing stage out of fear of what it can do to them in case of direct contact.   Due to the dangers the Wobbling Flesh pose, it is often either destroyed on sight or used in an attempt to influence the ecosystem.      

Dangers, Risks, Strategy, and loot

Dangers of Wobbling Flesh are rather random, but direct contact with it or its parts can prove extremely dangerous. It is never known what unstable Wobbling Flesh can do. It is therefore very risky to approach and confront via melee weapons, as it can just absorb them. When a decision to destroy Wobbling Flesh has been made, it is often done remotely.   After the Wobbling Flesh has been neutralized, it is often useless and without anything to loot. But occasionally intact Crystals could be found within. More so if the Flesh has been neutralized very soon after it was turned.

Details Card

Class: Monster
Element: None
Material: Biomass
Region: Anywhere
Kind of damage: Varies
Danger: Random
Usage: Depends on source
Hierarchy: None
Target priority: Depends on size and source


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