Support of the injured Tradition / Ritual in Atocitera | World Anvil
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Support of the injured

When you are bedridden, you can get lonely, very lonely. And in the states you are recovering from during that time, it is dangerous to be alone.
The planners claim we do this because, in the past, the losses to injuries were higher than these days. I say it's because we learned how to treat these injuries, and how to get through them.
Even though. The psychological aspect of wanting to fight this cursed continent for the well-being of your family and friends is a heavy burden. I can kinda understand why the Raiders were losing the will to live when they were fighting on their deathbed all alone.
So, blame the weakness of the past Raiders for the fact you are stuck with me now.


It is not exactly common for Raiders to sustain heavy injury and make it back, but it's not that rare either.
Whenever Raiders return from their Raid in need of recovery, they receive what they need. But the fight against injury and possible infection is not only physical but also psychological.
  To keep the spirit of the Raiders up and prevent needless deaths caused simply by lack of strong will, the tradition of visiting the injured Raiders and supporting them with the presence and a few encouraging words was set in motion.
The injured Raiders are then visited with their families, friends, and even rivals. All to ensure that they feel loved and strong to get through the turmoil of recovery.    


When the Raiders are stuck in bed and recovering, the people dear to them, or who hold them dear will take turns keeping them company one by one.
During these visits, the visitor either leads a conversation with the Raider, exchanges their stories, or otherwise keep them company.   The point is to not let Raider be alone unless they are sleeping and to prevent any sad thoughts from poisoning the minds of the Raider during their recovery.
If the presence of people is not enough, the Planners may approve the use of herbs to uplift the mood or put the Raider to sleep.   In cases the Raider in question is not valued by people on the Atocite, has no family or friends who would keep them company during the hardships of recovery, the Planners themselves will join them at least in person, as their minds will most likely have to focus on their work.  


Recovering from serious and heavy injuries not only takes time but can also be taxing on the psychology of the Raider.
Should the emotional health of the Raider be weak, the injury may prove too serious for them to recover from.   Another part of this tradition is to keep an eye on Raiders who may have faced species able to damage in more ways than physical.
Breath Phantoms are an example of a fight, in which the psychological part of Raider could be damaged or put at risk. Resulting in possible loss of identity.
Ego of the Love daisies can intoxicate the Raider and make them fall in love with a nonexisting person. Getting rid of this delusion can take some time, and having people who constantly anchor affected Raider to reality is much better, then leaving them alone.


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