HelDarvet - The Grand Atocite of Licyret Settlement in Atocitera | World Anvil
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HelDarvet - The Grand Atocite of Licyret (Hel-Daa-vet;)



Inhabitants, important people, and daily life


Important places

Some of the famous places on HelDarvet are the Vortex focussing cannons. Metal tubes containing magnifying lenses are aimed at large beasts. Capable Light Flow users then use them to focus the ray of light created by their abilities onto targets down at the Ground below.  

Cycle, encounters, and connections

Lyciret lost the draw when it comes to the hospitability of the area it is cycling through.
The Cycle HelDarvet is on bringing its people through various swamps full of toxic fumes and baren tundra very close to outright freeze. Only half of its cycle goes through areas actually hospitable. During the time HelDarvet goes through these parts, the Lyciret spares no expense in order to secure resources for very harsh winters.
  Raiding the swamps is dangerous, but yields Breath Crystals, which are demanded by other Atocites.
Among the resources available in the swamps are varying kinds of metals, with a ranging scale of toxicity. Finding these is as easy as following your nose, deposits of these metals are often accompanied by deposits of gas.    


Atocite card:

  Atocite name:
  Atocite name:
Grand Atocite
  Abundant elements on its cycle:
Light; Breath
  Notable features:
Vortex focusing cannons.
Light Flow clothes.
An abundance of trading via Cyclers
  Rating among the 6 Grand Atocites:
Combat: 5th
Survival: 2nd
Knowledge: 1st-2nd
Self-sustain: 6th
Economy: 3rd
Adaptability: 3rd


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