The Black King Character in Atlas | World Anvil

The Black King

King Arkin Black (a.k.a. Underdog)

The Legend, the underdog, and the most underrated of all the Kings and Queens. He's one of the only people to have beaten both the Red King and Queen in battle. Formerly an outcast after birth, he despised of his own existence and sought ways of killing himself, but all failed. He could never reach the sun and therefore could never truly die. As time passed he grew tired of life in general and that seemed to make people think he gave up. This, in turn, gave him an advantage, where he'd act like he wouldn't fight and would surprise them by actually fighting back and in stride. In his bout against the strongest Vampire, many said that the Red King hesitated due to fighting his own blood.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was only a child when everything unfolded, unaware of what was going on during his slumber he was killed by his own mother by his father's command. He awoke in immense pain, undead and unaware of what was to come. From here he fled, trying to escape the both of them, causing him to live among the monsters for years on end -- he never went back. Or so it seemed, he lived among the monsters and realized he was even more of a monster than them and thus, he came back. however, his suicidal tendencies didn't end there, for at first, it was a scary effort, he'd get into dangerous situations, hoping death would come, but it never did. He had challenged the King himself dozens of times, as well as his own mother and the others. But, they'd never kill him. This only caused him to attempt various methods and it is why most know of the weaknesses and potential ways to kill a vampire. He sunk into the ocean and tried to drown, he crushed himself, burned himself alive, cut his head off, the list goes on. By the time he realized the sun was the only way, immortal darkness had come and this is when he seemingly snapped. His next battle with the King ended in his win, abusing the fact he assumed his son was only looking to try and die. Despite being in rule he never went out and died, he merely gave up the title after dozens of years, claiming is wasn't anything special. He now resides in the forest as the Black King.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeating The Red King.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being able to kill himself.


Family Ties

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Underdog
Year of Birth
141 1060 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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