Maledictions Spell in Athoria | World Anvil
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Maledictions are advanced forms of curses that are inflicted on a creature's very essence. These types of effects are usually performed by evil creatures of great power, or those willing to sacrifice in order to inflict a lingering curse upon someone.  Maledictions differ from standard cursed by the traits that they are harder to dispel and often have permanent effects upon an individual. Cleansing oneself of a Malediction is often an ordeal where the inflicted must discover source of the malediction and overcome it either by strength of arms or will.


Malediction can inflict various effects based on the will of the creature who inflicts the condition. It usually is thematic to the reason they would cast such a spell. For example, a warlock cheated on by their spouse may cast a malediction that inflicts their spouse to grow hideous and repulsive, while a ruler of a besieged kingdom may inflict a malediction on their enemy to always suffer great pains while stepping foot in the land if it should fall.   The intensity of the Malediction depends on the cost paid to perform it. The more that is given in the spell's casting, the greater the effect will be. In the most extreme cases, the effect can be strong enough to pass down through blood lines.   Common Effects include:
  • Loss of a sense
  • Unable to perform a specific act
  • Unable to speak of certain events
  • Frailty or loss of mental faculties.


Performing a Malediction requires performing a sacrifice in order to inflict it upon an individual. Blood sacrifice is a the most common, either the caster's own or sacrificed victims. Magical essence can also be given in the performing of the ritual, either taken from magical items or magical creatures. The performing of the ritual to commit a Malediction takes time to prepare and cast, usually taking the majority of a day. The target must also be either in sight upon the casting of the spell, or substituted by including a piece of the target in the spell casting, such as hair.


Maledictions came into discovery when the rifts began to open and those of the material plane found ways to empower their spells using magic and reagents from the other realms. The Fae folk were the first to truly come into wielding this magic, inflicting great curses upon those who slight them. Such magic slowly spread in its knowledge but due to its complexity and sacrificial cost, it is still not a often performed form of spell craft by the mortal races.


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