Divine Sparks Myth in Athoria | World Anvil
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Divine Sparks

Divine Sparks are some of the remains of the Divine Powers that still remain after (or due to) the departure of the Gods. These Sparks can be inherited by mortals to inherit a minor form of godhood. The process of inheriting the sparks is unclear but seem to involve an individual proving their worth in one manner or another.   There are theories as to where these Sparks come from. Some believe they are powers left by the Gods as a trial for mortals, that when enough sparks are inherited the Gods will return. Others believe they are the universe trying to balance the lack of Gods by bringing in more to claim that power.   There are currently three known mortals who have inherited a divine spark. There are likely others out in the world that are unknown to the masses.  

The Azure Wanderer

This individual was a renown hero who traveled the world helping those in need. His Divine Spark was inherited when he defended a village from a Red Dragon alone when no one else came to their aid. The wounds he suffered slaying the beast would have slain him, but the divine spark saved him and gave him the power to continue his adventures helping those in need.  

The Moon Seer

An elf who was born with the gift of foresight. She traded her eyes at a later age for even greater clarity for seeing the future. She guides those she has visions of to greater purpose. With her visions guiding the world on a brighter path, she inherited her spark to continue her work with guiding the way of the future.  

The Bound Barbarian King

This dwarven lord once conquered his home land of Landershen by defeating each clan in completion with him. Eventually, his army was large enough to conquer the continent of Esteroc and with his spark inherited when his homeland was all united under his banner. He may have conquered the entire continent if his generals had not grown jealous of his power and betrayed him. Knowing they could not slay him, the instead trapped and bound him in a cave where he still is rumored to live to this day.


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