Bride of Night and Bride of Light Myth in Athoria | World Anvil
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Bride of Night and Bride of Light

Legends tell of a fae union that was distrubed by mortal hands. Now the two betrothed wander the world of Athoria inflicting pain on the wicked or helping those in need.   The tale varies from town to town, some believe the brides are a single being who acts based on the people who come under her attention. Others believe the two brides roam the realms searching for each other to be united once more, punishing and rewarding mortals along the way.


There are two Fae Brides believes to wander the world. One punishes those who are unfaithful to their partners while the other rewards loving and trusted relationships. The punishements often take the form of curses or maledictions based on the level of infedility commited. Inversly the rewards are often minor blessings upon a family home or gifts to help the lovers such as clothing and jewelery.


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