Tribes of Grol in Athon | World Anvil

Tribes of Grol

“The Malirel, beasts of broken faith. These creatures, were they to be called such, pillage and ruin. Utterers of the butchered tongue and lost to the whims of a false idol.”
– Scrollspeaker Lohi’yn, of the Sacred Song
Resource Wealth: ?NPC Power: ?Naval Power: ?


Commonly referred to as the Gnoll, these bipedal intelligent creatures resemble that of a humanoid-like hyena. Towering at seven to seven and a feet on average with a prominent hunch, they are alarmingly dexterous and agile. They endlessly hunger with a rabid appetite, making for fearsome encounters. Once partially civilised, the tribes of the Gnoll have since devolved into a state of mindless zealotry for a bestial idol, Grol. They now roam Athon in the name of fanatical ideals.  


On Gnoll Origins

Little is known on how the Gnoll came to be. Whispers and rumours echo among historians widespread about these creatures being amalgamations of nature; mutated beasts, in other words. Perhaps the long-term exposure to a rapidly evolving landscape, or even simply the product of Athon’s peculiar environment. However, throughout the tribes of Osterosi and Druidfolk, tales of a bestial curse appear in rare verses. Beyond its cryptic and oftentimes convoluted references, these tales yielded nothing more than assumptions and speculation.  

On Gnolls and Mortalkind

In time, as Athon grew so too did its inhabitants. With it, the Gnoll came to form tribes amongst themselves. Initially primitive and ruthless communities, these tribes would scour, hunt, and pillage. They became the terror of rural life, oftentimes seeking tribute or retribution from settlers. It became quickly apparent that these tribes would not relent, and various settlements began to offer tribute voluntarily. With this, it was quickly understood that the Gnoll did not strike out for gold or trinkets, but simply meats and metals.   As the Gnoll were exposed to the spread of mortalkind, they began to understand the foundational concepts of trade and diplomacy. Although difficult, and often fatal for some diplomats, some tribes began to work alongside mortal settlements in exchange for food and materials. Other tribes maintained some isolation from these happenings, electing to instead stay to their own.  

On the Dawn of Grol

It was no particular tribe that the teachings of Grol first originated from. Some shamans and sages of the more isolated groups began to utter nonsensical spoutings on a higher entity, one that would come to be known as Grol. This spiritual figure was described as an unshapely bestial mass that roared like the rumble of thunder; its commands like a crushing monsoon to the feeble minds of the Gnoll. Its words were saccharine and echoed promises of ascendence for its followers. It only asked in return, “Ak a nuk, akak ae Grol.”   Swift like flames to dried tinder, the tribes of the Gnoll fell under the influence of the worship of Grol. So too did some tribes that had once fought alongside mortals now clashed steel. The Tribes of Grol returned to their primitive ways, pillaging and looting in the name of fanaticism and maniacal zealotry. Although only happening in recent times, the frenzied crusade of the tribes has come to threaten the many mortal realms.  


The Tribes of Grol are fanatical cultists, serving in fervent worship of a bestial entity that they have come to call Grol. These tribes raid, pillage, loot, and sacrifice in its name. They offer flesh, bone, and meat at the sweetened promise of ascendence - to feast alongside it beyond the veil. All who do not serve or understand are deemed heretics and non-believers, to be served only as offerings instead. The other mixed tribes are misplaced and misunderstood. Hunted by their own for refusing the mindless worship of what they deem to be a pretender and false idol. Then, hunted by mortals from a state of paranoia and blind hatred on the Gnoll. These tribes, rare as they are now, are rapidly dwindling and seek refuge from a suffocating landscape.  


Often referred to in some Elven verses as the Butchered Tongue. Gnol’tol is a simplified and less than elegant variant of Fael. It is comprised of shorthand words derived from their Fael correspondents as well as piercing cackles, grunts, and movements. It has adopted the fusioning of words through the apostrophe, but conveys meaning and context not through suffixes but instead certain tones and pitches of cackle or grunt. Their grammar is always third person and contextual, relying on the situation to denote the phrasing instead.  

Vocabulary (Shorthand Fael):

  • Ak: Blood, war, fight.
  • Nuk: Bone, body, strong.
  • Tol: Speak, communicate.
  • Ta: Forests, home.
  • Vak: Beasts, creature.
  • Tirk: Water, rain, storm.
  • Rusk: Come together, unity, family.
  • Hyl: Herb or plant.
  • Akak: Meat, eat, food.
… This is all that has been consistently documented on Gnol’tol.
Credit to D&D Beyond.   The Gnoll, an anomalous hybrid between that of man and hyena, feature a unique physiology unlike most of mortalkind. The most recent intelligent species to roam Athon, it is uncertain as to how the Gnoll came to be. Toweringly tall and exceptionally lean, they have a striking silhouette.   Lifespan
60 years
Average Height

7' to 7'5"
Average Weight

180 to 300 lbs
Depiction of Grol in various Gnollish arts, 80 AC.  
Gnoll housing; bound leather and hide tents, 91 AC.