The Azure Order in Athon | World Anvil

The Azure Order

Within the esteemed ranks of the Azure Order, exists a handful of gifted individuals known as Librarians. Masters of Arcane Arts, that strive through the unnatural phenomena, untouched by blade, steeled against the Spirits. They march forward, wreathed in a corona of crackling azure energy. As the sheer weight of their irradiated presences, bear down upon those unattuned, like a miniature Star of arcane potential.

The Founding of the Order

"They are a cosmic bomb in anthropic form, a hurricane of supernatural fury, all wrapped, embroided in resplendant robes and aurum speckle."

"A leviathan, a juggernaut of gold and black. An armourbound killing construct. Studded with blades and jewels and plumes. Heavy, unsullied, culled into swirls of arcane symbology and palpably crackling with ferocious energies. Massive shoulderguards rearing high over a lightning embossed breastplate. Enclosed a tall helm encrusted a mane of black horse hair."
Custodians– not of faith but a doctrine to dispel the evils beyond. It is a motley congregation of once archeologists, which uncovers the depths of unnaturality, it is a bastion to which untold horrors barrage themselves upon. Birthed within the golden era, several notable but unknowable individuals across various nations combine their efforts to explore the concepts we now know today as Magic. Though infantile, the concept of Spells and Runesmithing came to be known by many, and beneath the banners of Order and Stability, superstition was all but quiet to this fantastical art.   Gradually, did this covenant of Sorcerers and Sorceresses' decipher the full extent of this paranormal energy. The Order's primordial glory met its nadir in a torrent of war, not waged against mere mortals but parasitic monstrosities that blighted their realm- now wretched. Hundreds fell, their anguish echoing through the ravaged lands. The Catastrophe itself unleashed its final throes, devouring the Great Library—the repository of eons past—and consigning what seemed, a millennia of knowledge to oblivion.   Yet, like carrion-feeders scavenging the remnants of a cursed banquet, the Azure Order persisted. A handful of the old world's masters clung to survival, resettling on an accursed archipelago that would become both bastion and prison. The Great Library, once a beacon of enlightenment, now stood as a twisted spire of torment, its abyssal depths concealing horrors no mortal dared fathom.   Founded upon the revelation of profane power, the Order's genesis was marked by the decaying runes of an accursed tablet. Led by the embittered Archmage Strath, the Order burgeoned, spreading its tendrils like a metaphysical octopod. The Great Library, a towering monolith in the desolate expanse of Athon, stood as a grotesque amalgamation of eldritch design and mortal craftsmanship. Its ethereal wards, once inviolable, now flickered with impotent corrosion. The librarians, enigmatic beings as ancient as the spire itself, haunted the abyssal halls, their motives obscured in shadows darker than the despair that enveloped the Order.   In the present desolation, the Azure Order clings to another archipelago, a sanctuary birthed from the very heart of their still-mortal hopes. The New Library, now a monument that houses the Order as they perpetuate their stalwart agenda. The Order's governance, an illusion of democracy, is led by Archmages tainted by a dark eon, their rule unchallenged within the twisting halls of the Mage's Council. Though they masquerade as stewards of knowledge, it is argued– their ambitions are as questionable as the ancient evil they claim to thwart.   This new age Azure Order stood now as piecemeal guardians, their new mosoleum bereft of mundanity, squandered by the plight of mortal superstition. To some, a cursed place best left in the past, that their tomes would beckon the unsuspecting to the depths of forbidden knowledge, where the line between protection and damnation blurred into an indistinguishable abyss.