Thaumaturgy in Athon | World Anvil


"To the fearful eyes, I am an aberration, a living canvas of mutation malign. As superstition paints me with hues of peculiarity, I stride with confidance to my Gods. For it is they that sympethize solemn to this burden that weighs an ocean to my shoulders." - Hammond of Lumbria, Hexer of An-Lsa Ennore
  In this advanced Alkemia, adepts are referred to as Elementalists, Shamans or Proto-magi, individuals who have delved deep into the secrets of the world's fundamental forces. Elementalists, unlike their counterparts of Spellcrafting, do not rely on external conduits. Instead, they wield their powers directly, with the assistance of their brews concocted the night before.   The essence of Elementalism lies in the mastery of these primordial elements—earth, fire, water, air, and ether. Elementalists, through their profound connection with these forces, are capable of reworking the cogs of reality itself, forging a permanent and irrevocable change upon the very Materia. It is a dance with the elements, where the skilled practitioner can shape and command them at will, conjuring awe-inspiring phenomena. Elementalism does not evoke, it manipulates with purpose, a harmonious fusion of science and magic.   Many argue that the Elements should remain as is, that it is to be heretical to change what Terra has offered in salvation. It helps little that the procedures to become capable of harnessing the elements comes at great cost to the individual. Both face and body become poisoned, as in order to bestow upon themselves the power bereft of many men and women, akin to the thaumaturge craft; Spellcrafting, their body must break down, undergo a metamorphosis of chemical trial.   Mutants would be the word best used, the insults would come first; beings with blackvein, redeyes, and pale skin. Common occurrences for these individuals post-process, and certainly after imbibing the toxic brews known and used only to them and their practice.   None too dissimilar to how an Alchemist must poison their body should they imbibe their own product- not that it is of crude make, but that every concoction be it bitter or sweet, builds up harm within the body, that must be removed over a period of time- these Transmutationists make use of specially designed brews that only they are ever capable of consuming, for it would be too toxic for any mortal.   Toxicity HP might be the worse-half of any normal individual's entire HP bar, once the individual has undergone the painful process of allowing their body to pick up and utilize the presence particles of essence that lay in the background of all things, their Toxicity meter becomes [100].  
  • It is far more difficult for them to get drunk.
  • Mundane venom and poisons cannot kill them, but it lowers their Toxicity by 50 for 1 hour.
  • Toxicity HP is set and capped to 100.
  • Toxicity HP regenerates fully after 12 hours.
  • Normal potions do not work on them, they can only consume decoctions, oils, bombs, salves or their own mutagens.
  • Spells that strike one another use their damage values to contest. The winner takes the remaining number as the damage upon the opposition.
  • Two spells that have the same number of roll damage will neutralize one another, but a knockback effect is given, to all parties in the area.
  • Aesthetics; black/red eyes, black veins, paling skin, slitted eyes, unnatural mutation but gives no benefit outside of it.
  • Can sense differences in essence, useful in events.
  • If Spellcrafting is utilized within emote-range of a Thaumaturge, if four-blowbacks happen within 30 minutes, any Thaumaturge will need to roll 1dX where X is their remaining TOX and it puts them into unconsciousness should the value be either 1 below or their max TOX.
[It is unknown how the process begins, but it is not only excruciating but lengthy.]
Et Elementum ad Meredium
+90 Toxicity
+12 hour duration
Heat Resistant, not Immune
+90 Toxicity
+12 hour duration
Can sense vibrations within 6 blocks.
+90 Toxicity
+12 hour duration
Can swim fast beneath water. (+3 MS)
+90 Toxicity
+12 hour duration
Immune to Fall-Damage
Any of the four known concoctions allow for creative freedom for how the individual alters the elements around them should they be present. But the below are the following spells they can do, anything further must require a special-permission.   [∞ cast-slots] Cantrips: Are abilities that require no cooldown, windup, and have no limit but they are the weakest ability you can produce.   [2 cast-slots] Utility: These are utility-based abilities that have cooldowns, but can only be used twice in a combat-scenario.   [2 cast-slots] Tier 1: These spells require a little more planning in advance, they are the second most powerful ability and some require a wind up before casting. These can only be used twice in a combat-scenario and require a cooldown before repeating.   [1 cast-slots] Tier 2: The most powerful ability you can cast, these require extremely careful planning as they require a heavy wind up and can only be cast once without blow back.   Exceeding Limits:
  • If a Thaumaturge casts more abilities than their slots allow during a CRP, they must make a blowback roll for each excess spell cast.
  • The difficulty for each blowback roll increases incrementally: each additional spell beyond the limit incurs a +2 penalty to the blowback roll. the DC is 12+ and instead of using the intelligence roll, one must use their remaining TOX. Which could be anywhere between 1-10.
  • Consequences of Failure: Failing a blowback roll when exceeding ability limits results in a blowback effect, which includes the onset of "Essence Poisoning I" — a detrimental condition that impacts the caster's health or magical abilities. Essence Poisoning II if it happens again, and III if it happens a third time.
  Elementalists must take [1] emote to switch their stances, between ranged and melee. The below will represent the roll numbers for each type of attack, or the type of scale relative to the action: