Mysticism in Athon | World Anvil


I. Prologue -

“Such is the unlucky few who come to be faced with that fork in the road, beholden to a trodding spirit. The undead can be lit aflame, or tarnished by our ancient tradition, but these eerie specters elude even the sharpest of blades, sharpest of minds.”— excerpt, Mysterium of Spirits and Sprites.
Folklore is often privy to various hearsay, where superstitions gain their notoriety. Though it is for certain that in modern times, most coin these practitioners of this eerie art; Mystics or Shamans. All species have this imponderable aspect to them, an aura of cold plasm that when only one opens their third eye, henceforth comes spiritual intuition.   Where it is only known in piecemeal, the individuals with mystical cognition are often heavily fended off much like a rabid dog is to a shepherd's worth. Such is why the cultish ways of these mystics are done behind closed walls in manner of speaking, as their words are often called blasphemy by the pious and naive.  

II. History [BC] -

Of all worldly wonders, few come close to the alien repertoire of the spiritual residue termed with such as; cold plasm, ghost-blood, spirit-glue, ectoplasm. From whence this substance was first recorded had been lost to times past, yet it is understood that a majority of sentient creatures carries this plasmic aura akin to how blood carries life. First recordings of this cold essence are always traced back to premature sightings of ghosts, hauntings, the paranormal.   In the lands of many, this was met by superstitious fear, in their own ways, birthing groups, appointed religious figureheads and burning down whatever haunted or had been. When the refinement and sophistication of cultures grew into vast civilizations, interest in the earliest signs of Mysticism began to take root, and in some worlds, some more than others.   Regarded with little positivity, the cultish peoples who perform these mystical seances with otherworldly spirits began to soon peak interest in a variety of ways, and it was in part to the lack of understanding in Mysticism where ignoble opportunities presented themselves.  

III. The time of New [AC] -

As civilizations evolved and delved deeper into Elsar, a resurgence of the Azure Order emerged from the shadows of dilapidation. This order, revered for their esoteric knowledge and mystical practices, began to draw the attention of scholars and seekers of truth. It was believed that the Augurs, with their profound connection to the Spirit and the Stars, surpassed the arcane prowess of the Wizards of Old.   Among the Azure Order then, the Augurs were feared, but whatever the Neophates align themselves with now, peaks more interest in the open-minded. Revered now as seers and prophets, able to commune with the otherworld and decipher the language of the cosmos written in the long dead Star corpses.