Materia and Immateria in Athon | World Anvil

Materia and Immateria

In the vast expanse of Athon, woven into its cosmic birth, lie three known primal plasmas, ancient and potent—Quintessence, Essence, and Ectoplasm. These ethereal essences serve as the elemental scaffolding of reality, the unseen foundations shaping the mundane and the arcane.   Quintessence, the vital life-energy coursing through every sinew and bone, grants beings their vigor and vitality. In the delicate balance of existence, a dearth of this essence heralds decay and demise, while surfeit births grotesque aberrations and unnatural swellings. A torrent of life, both sustenance and bane.   A hue of luminous azure, Essence emerges as a fabricated plasma, wielding the power to mold the physical realm. Yet, this brilliant force bears toxicity, seeping into the fibers of life. An excess unfurls temporal rifts, twists personas, and ignites lethal conflagrations, an alchemy of perilous consequence.   Ectoplasm, an ephemeral residue with an icy chill, veils living beings in its ethereal embrace. A spiritual shroud, it dances in hues that echo its concentration. However, an overabundance warps gravity, inflicts an icy deathly grip, and stifles the breath of life. A ghostly aura, exclusive to the living.