Manaan Port in Athon | World Anvil

Manaan Port

"Manaan Port is a formidable maritime city-state renowned for its strategic location, powerful naval fleet, and vibrant trade. Nestled at the base of a mountain and extending into a natural bay, the city is a marvel of engineering and architecture, with structures seamlessly integrated into the mountain's side. It is the undisputed naval power in the known world, with a rich culture deeply influenced by the sea and an economy thriving on trade."


Governance - Council of Tides

The leadership of Manaan Port is vested in the Council of Tides, an oligarchic republic that combines military prowess, economic acumen, and trade expertise. This council ensures the city's prosperity, security, and governance through a balanced representation of its most influential figures.
  • The Admiral of Tides: The leader of the Tideguard and the supreme military commander, overseeing all defense and strategic operations.
  • The Master of Coin: Responsible for the city's wealth, economic policies, and regulation of trade practices, ensuring prosperity and fairness.
  • Guild Leaders: Representatives from the most prominent guilds, contributing to decision-making with their expertise in trade and industry.
This system allows for a dynamic and effective governance model that capitalizes on the strengths and knowledge of Manaan Port's most successful citizens.  
Resource Wealth: Ⓖ Ⓖ ⒼNPC Power: ⚔️ ⚔️Naval Power: ⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓
The Tideguard
The military might of Manaan Port is embodied in the Tideguard, an elite force trained in both land and sea combat. Despite their relatively small numbers, the Tideguard are highly skilled, capable of manning the city's naval fleet and defending its interests on land. Their prowess in battle and versatility make them a formidable force, ensuring the city's safety and dominance at sea.
Manaan Port thrives on trade, with its economy heavily reliant on imports for food, materials, and amenities. The city's strategic location and powerful fleet enable it to control key trade routes, making it a vital hub for commerce. The Grand Treasurer and the merchant guilds play crucial roles in managing the economy, from regulating trade to ensuring the prosperity of the city's markets.
The architecture of Manaan Port is a display of its inhabitants' ingenuity and resilience. Built into the side of the mountain, the city spans four levels, each offering breathtaking views of the bay and beyond. The use of cyan blue and white throughout the city reflects its flag and maritime heritage, with buildings designed to withstand the elements. This vertical cityscape ensures efficient use of space and fortifies the city against potential threats.
The culture of Manaan Port is rich and diverse, shaped by centuries of seafaring, trade, and interaction with different peoples. Storytelling, music, and festivals celebrate the sea and the city's naval achievements. Tattoos are common, symbolizing personal and communal histories. The city is known for its openness and hospitality, with a vibrant district catering to foreigners and a culinary scene that reflects its diverse influences.
Founded by a legendary navigator, Manaan Port transformed from a modest settlement into a thriving port city. Its growth was fueled by strategic trade practices, naval superiority, and the resilience of its people. Despite facing threats from pirates and rival cities, Manaan Port has never been conquered, a testament to its strategic defenses and the skill of the Tideguard.
Strategic Importance
The city's location offers unmatched control over sea routes and access to resources, making it a linchpin in regional and international trade. Its naval fleet patrols the waters, safeguarding the city's interests and maintaining peace in the region.

Prominent NPCs


Admiral Tristan Harrowgate,
  • He is the Admiral of Manaan, responsible for the Tideguard that he commands. The modest but experienced Navy is steered by Harrowgate.
  • Tideguard Soldiers are the forces that protect and serve Manaan. A majority of them remain in posts throughout the Port City, whilst others occasionally form small teams to purview the land beyond the mountain that huddles them.
Minister Amunea, the Crownpiece of Manaan
  • The Minister is considered the Crownpiece of Manaan, in other words she has brought wealth and prosperity. Due to Manaan having significant importance as a trading port, and being founded in 102 AC, it has gained renown within the area, and internally amongst the populace in fervent favor towards Lady Amunea.
  • Master of Coin, Bryni is the astute businesswoman who assists as an advisory patron to the Minister's needs. Alongside safeguarding, and increasing Manaan’s interests, she has favor with the Guild Leaders that bring in profit, and help with tourism.
Kala-Sae, the Thaumaturgist
  • A new addition to the councilship, Kala-Sae, like with Professor Fothes, further educate Manaan on the more supernatural elements of Athon’s beyond. Although there have been rumors circling, Kala-Sae is a proven help, especially in tandem with the other Nalarii, Talsa-Ko.