Circle of the Sacred Song in Athon | World Anvil

Circle of the Sacred Song

“Claw and Tooth. Oh, do trees whisper - chants of impending prophecy. A haunt, a sorrow of a nightmare by the wake of foretold omens. Be it by the very claw and tooth that those of the Sacred Song shall rise. For it is carved, Ef glaera kiv rusanara ar Mórruadh.”
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The Circle of the Sacred Song


The most venerable of Faelira gatherings is that of the Circle of the Sacred Song. Thought to be wiped out in the Great Cataclysm, it is still known to be the oldest and most formidable Circle of druidic origin. Revered, even among the Spriggan and Wilds of Athon, for their sacrificial servitude. Its members, of those who remain, are scattered across the world seeking one divine purpose: to purge the parasitic mass, Mórruadh. Unrelenting, they are the bound servants of the Wild’s wrath.  


The Age of Roots

Before Man began to think, or the Dwumar to walk, upon the world roamed the First Druids; the Spriggan. Beings of amalgamation, forged in Nature’s guiding caress, they served to preserve the Life Cycle - the balance of life. As was Her will, the winds of change demanded the dawn of the Second Druids: mortals of whom were bestowed the blessing of the Wilds. Those worthy were inducted into the Sacred Song, the formation of the first Circle.  

The Age of Flame

Pervasive mold - a crippling mass of void - set to consume the living realm. It became known as Mórruadh. An abomination, the antipathy to the Wilds. It was at Her call that the forgathering of the Sacred Song commenced, serving as the bulwark against the dark tide. Like flames to the underbrush, the Faelir were ruthless; their deaths valiant in the efforts against an endless swarm. In the time of what is now the Great Cataclysm, this tenacity and spirit leeched - the amassing Faelir falling, crippled to a state of mere dozens from attrition and raw annihilation. Left bleeding, the remnants of the shattered Song held with vervent resolve, emboldened by their oath and duty.  

The Age of Thorns

As the Faelir spread across Athon, so too did the ideologies and cultures of the druidic way. Circles formed and fell, some persisting through changing times. Though a hushed whisper on the tongues of the knowing, the Sacred Song still stood, despite the belief that they had been eradicated. Those still devout to the cause roamed the continents in search of Mórruadh, seeking to enact the vengeance of the fallen and fulfil their eternal oath. By Claw and Tooth, it would be so.  

The Grove of the Moon

Haunting the windswept hills of Elsar’s West, spires of bramble and thorns secure a sacred site. The Grove of the Moon stood tall amidst the dense landscape, shadowed by the Twin Elm that pierced the skies. This land was not one frequented by the wise, as corpses scatter the earthen hillsides. The Grove served as a highly spiritual and well protected safe haven for the Faelir.   Residing in many smaller grottos and groves, the Circle of the Sacred Song is not one entity but many. Though it is within Elsar, and within that of the Grove of the Moon that some of the Circle’s members reside, alongside that of the continent’s native druidfolk.   The Grove of the Moon was first established by the Spriggan of Elsar and later maintained by gathered druidfolk, then governed by the Circle of the Sacred Song. It was with this governance that the Grove forsook its centuries of seclusion and instead aided the mission of the Song.
Archdruid of the Sacred Song, 118 AC.


Druidism is the attainment of the boons of Nature in return for an oathsworn servitude to protect the natural world and balance. Nature and Her domain refers to the nameless and omnipresent realm of all flora and fauna within the world and what connects it all ...  
Generic article | May 7, 2024
The Twin Elm, home to the Grove of the Moon.