Heaven's Fall Myth in Athena | World Anvil
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Heaven's Fall

By powers old, and our souls six
We bind the traitor, Terrus, to this stone.
Our powers lost, we fall to Athena
And to each one piece is known
  Terrus, a god filled with averice, sought dominion over the other six Old Gods, and over the whole of the world they had created, Athena. Terrus attacked the other six, who used their entire might to battle the traitor.   After a long battle, the 6 gods trapped Terrus inside the Black Stone, then split the orb six ways, each taking one piece. But the creation of such an artifact, capable of holding the full might of a god, drained the gods' divine power. Without it, the gods fell from the heaven's above. They are left Guardians, still powerful immortal beings but no longer deities. Their power still echos through the world but it is no longer under their control.


Known by all.

Cultural Reception

The fall of heaven created a hundreds-of-years-long dark age. The empires that stood fell to infighting and rioting, and the Worship of the Old Gods became fraught. Objects which were built in Terrus' honour were destroyed en-mass, and art pieces featuring the seven original gods saw vandalism, including by followers of the old god's faith.
Date of Setting
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