Ahmjir Character in Athena | World Anvil
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The master of the forge. The hammer of the gods. Ahmjir (aww-meer) is the God of the Forge. He built the land of Athena, its mountains and its valleys, oceans and plains. After Heaven's Fall, Ahmjir has been depicted also as a God of War, in place of Terrus.

Divine Domains

Forge, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A long handled hammer. If coloured, it is silver

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His entire body is made of pure silver.

Special abilities

Forging any physical object, and making the most powerful weapons in existence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As with the other 6, Ahmjir was born from nothing, cast into creation in full form. From there, Ahmjir struck down upon the barren planet with his hammer, and formed the continent, the seas, the oceans and the mountains. From his place in heaven, he created the world of Athena, and set about building tools and weapons for the gods. He was not the only one, but he is primarily known for the creation of most divine artifacts.   When heaven fell, Ahmjir is said to have continued his work, using the very heart of the mountains as his forge, and the oceans to cool the metal.

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master of the Forge, Hammer of the Gods
Currently Held Titles
Since Time Immemorial
pure silver orbs
long white beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pure silver, gleaming in the light
Aligned Organization

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