Valos's Boon Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Valos's Boon (VAL-os)

Written by orphidor

Valos Adrah possesses a Boon which allows him to share another creature's physical pain. The ability is extremely useful for him in his profession as a healer.


Through the use of this Boon, Valos is able to divide another being's pain between their body and his. With the other party's willingness, he can share a creature's pain between their bodies in any ratio he chooses. He can take on all, half, or some of a being's hurt at will, then end the effect when he chooses. He often utilizes the ability to increase the effectiveness of his treatments by pinpointing the precise location of someone's pain or making patients' conditions more bearable while he assists them.

Side/Secondary Effects

This Boon is uncommon because it doesn't have an obvious secondary effect; instead, its primary effect is what makes it inconvenient as well as useful. When Valos uses the ability, for example on someone who has broken their leg, he shares the exact same suffering that they do, albeit in different intensities depending on how much of their pain he's decided to bear.
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Effect Duration
However long Valos is able to continue bearing the other party's pain.
Effect Casting Time
A few seconds
5 feet
Applied Restriction
Valos can't use the ability if the other party is unwilling. He can only use it on one being at a time, and only when he's in close proximity with another creature.