Suktu Medical Tattoos Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Suktu Medical Tattoos

Written by orphidor

When an individual (typically Suktu and/or from the tall cities) experiences a medical condition that refuses to be cured through more conventional means, specialized healers invoke a variety of symbol magic in order to place a long-lasting enchantment on part of the body through the use of tattooing.


This type of magic is customarily used to relieve pain, ease stiffness, or increase vitality in a body part, joint, or limb.

Side/Secondary Effects

Healers who utilize symbol magic in tattooing must be extremely careful. If they perform their spell incorrectly, the tattoo will do nothing or, in rare cases, cause the patient more suffering. If this happens, another tattoo may be necessary to neutralize the effects of the first as well as solve the original issue the patient was experiencing. Luckily, due to the slow speed at which this type of healer works usually means that their spells have fewer mistakes than they would if they worked at a quicker pace.


During the tattoo process, the temperature often drops slightly. The omnipresent storm-in-the-air smell is, of course, present.
Material Components
A sharp needle and purified soot
Gestures & Ritual
Commonly-tattooed symbols include dots, simple lines, and X-marks. The dots center energy to alleviate stiffness, the lines direct energy to increase vitality, and the X-marks focus energy to relieve pain.