Komatzi's Boon Spell in Athanya | World Anvil
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Komatzi's Boon (koh-MAHT-zee)

Written by orphidor

Most people Komatzi Rusastruth comes in contact with know he has the ability to calm another creature's fears through prolonged touch, but few are informed of the ill effects it has on his body.


When Mati touches another creature, he is instantly aware of the level of fear that being is experiencing in that moment. With the creature's willingness, he can siphon that fear into himself, converting it into physical sensation and thereby relieving the other party of their anxiety.

Side/Secondary Effects

Komatzi rarely discloses this to anyone, but the use of his Boon causes him nausea that grows in strength depending on the intensity of the fear he's dissolving. It's usually unpleasant-yet-manageable, but there have been times in the past when Mati needed to abruptly stop in order to avoid becoming physically ill.


Each creature Komatzi calms feels a pleasant sense of physical warmth while the ability is being used. Their fear is not replaced by another feeling; instead, an empty space that can be filled by other emotions is created within the affected creature's mind.
Related Discipline
Related Element
Effect Duration
However long Komatzi maintains concentration and physical contact with the other being
Effect Casting Time
Mati's arms' reach
Applied Restriction
The ability is blocked by clothing or thick fur. Mati can only maintain the effects as long as he is able to keep the resulting nausea under control.