Welcome to Atalan in Atalan | World Anvil
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Welcome to Atalan

A realm populated by elves, dwarves, halflings, humans and other folk has yet again been met with unrest. For centuries humankind has been building up a resentment against elves, disregarding their beliefs and ideals to create their own. An uprising that resulted in overtaking the lands and a suppression over elves and those who stood by them. Over a century ago, however, prince Vogan decided to put an end to it by overthrowing his father and marrying a woodland elf, disbanding the armies and putting together a new, united government, involving different races, genders and beliefs. Unfortunately, those scorned by the past are still bitter, and the idea of a better religion, govern and superiority still live in the shadows.

For now, each region is different. Bards still sing their songs and people go about their days. Whether it is in the thriving city of Rachdale, or small towns among the realm, life continues and adventure awaits.


The map on the right side of this page shows the entire realm of Atalan, where people strive for balance, equality and peace. Each place holds their own story, adventure and struggle. Some, easy to get to, other's hiding amid a big lawless wilderness.

Atalan Base Map Image


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