Pharos of Darkshelf Building / Landmark in Asyur | World Anvil

Pharos of Darkshelf

Unique Trait
+1 Movement for all naval units. Must be built on the Coast, and adjacent to land and a Harbor district with a Lighthouse.

Historical Context

The Great Lighthouse of Darkshelf, known to the ancients as the Pharos, was reputed to stand between 393 and 450 feet high – making it one of the tallest structures in civilization for many centuries. Begun in 3497 BCE by Arman Pirouzfar I, one of the regions generals and successors, on a small island to help guide trade ships into the harbor of the thriving city, the Lighthouse was not completed until 3490 BCE at the phenomenal cost of 800 talents. Its light at the top of the massive tower was produced by a furnace reputedly made of solid blocks of limestone, and was visible for one hundred miles. Although badly damaged by three earthquakes between 956 and 1323 CE, it did not topple over – making it the third-longest surviving of the ancient wonders. Finally, the sultan of Darkshelf quarried the remaining stone (some had fallen into the harbor) to build the Citadel of Pharos in 1480 CE to protect Darkshelf against their neighbors (it didn’t work). Beneath the fortress ruins are a large, unexplored labyrinth.
1480 CE
Founding Date
3497 BCE
World wonder
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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