Drakken Species in Asyur | World Anvil


Drakken are a relatively new classification of animal, coming into the world around the same time as Dragonborn, and believed to be a product of similar supernatural-evolution. Drakken are animals whose ancestry has draconic blood mixed in with that of a mundane race of animal. Essentially, drakken are to animals as sorcerers are to humans, possessing draconic blood and some physical characteristics but no supernatural abilities. Drakken are still considered animals - the dragon blood in their history has been deluded over time - but all are of the dragonblood subtype.   Under normal circumstances drakken won't serve as animal companions, though rare expectation do exists (see the phynxkin companion for an example).   Typically, half-dragons result from unions between dragons and other creatures, over time, these half-dragons mate with members of their nondragon parentage, producing offspring with weaker draconic blood. Eventually, entire new beings emerge from such couplings, as these dragonblood creatures can mate with other close relatives, and then again with themselves. The end result is a race of creatures that has touched both draconic and nondraconic ancestry, yet retains almost none of the extraordinary powers that flow from draconic parentage.   Just as a dragon's half-breed offspring are never quite the same as the dragon, sometimes the offspring of true dragons diverge from their normal pattern of growth. On rare occasions, outside stimuli (supernatural-stimuli if you will) can encourage evolution and change within dragons, granting them new abilities while sapping some of their more traditional powers. Indeed, as such creatures with a strong link to the realm of magic, dragons are often susceptible to what is known as supernatural-evolution - that is, changes to the race as a result of magical influence. Similar to how the faintest trace of dragon blood can alter the appearance and behavior of an entire race, a slight magical alteration within a dragon can lead to unexpected or even unknown magical talents.   The key to understanding how dragons influence the creatures of the world, even other true dragons, is to realize that the inherent magic of dragonkind makes them both influential and unpredictable as parents. Almost anything is possible when it comes to a lineage rich with dragon blood, and when dragons meddle in the development of a world's ecology, entirely new creatures appear regularly.
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