Kava the Cruel Character in Asyl'Erya | World Anvil
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Kava the Cruel

Trusted Spellsword of the Great Wyrm Sythriannus, Honorable Mageknight of the Young Drakelord Sythriax, Kava J'heri is an honorable warrior who is known to bolster her physical might and prowess with spells and incantations, a clever tactician, a deadly swordmaster, and a loyal soldier. She earned the name Kava the Cruel for her unflinching loyalty to her Young Master, executing his orders no matter how bloody.   Often mistaken as a Dragonborn, Kava is in actuality a Half Dragon, a direct relative to Sythriannus herself. This could be seen in her regal posture, her stunning scales, and her commanding presence.   When Sythrianus sent her son to the East to establish his own Dominion, she did not send him alone. A blue dragon might not be overly cautious when it comes to their family, they are also not uncaring. She sent with him one of her most trusted Knights, a half dragon of her own bloodline. Kava J'heri, the Spellbound Knight, a master of combat whom with spells and every strike of her blade.   She served the young blue Faithfully, offering her advice and council, but also following his orders, letting him make his own decisions. Sythriax was no fool, and made sure to reward those whom he trusted. To her, he gave a spear, one made of his own Scale and Claw, magically imbued and connected to him. It was no artifact, but it had power, and it was a grand gesture for one of his status.   Over the decades they ruled over the Great Basin, Kava carrying out his word to the letter. Until one day, she didn't. She disappeared, taking the spear with her. Sythriax was furious, seeing this as a direct betrayal. No warning, no indication, she simply vanished. The young blue sent his forces far and wide to track her, to no avail. Out of Shame, he declared her dead, a traitor, and barred all mention of her name.


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